Yay! Paul is back! Johnny will be thrilled!
This comic also got reviewed on Project Fanboy’s, Webcomics You Should Be Reading: Check out the review
Yay! Paul is back! Johnny will be thrilled!
This comic also got reviewed on Project Fanboy’s, Webcomics You Should Be Reading: Check out the review
well it looks like Paul finally got his act together. that is a big crowd how did they get there so fast…magic im saying magic…..of music *tee hee*
They all rallied together! Geez! It was about time they all came out to support!
I cannot wait for the keytar.
Also, I expect spreads of both bands jamming. XD
Hehe, I’m excited for the keytar moments too! This is finally a battle where I can show both bands playing. Should be fun!
read the review. Its awesome! :D
Much <3 for Benedict’s face. LoL. xD
YES- I’ve been waiting this WHOLE COMIC for that keytar! xD
I am so Johnny, Paul, and Benedict’s friend on Facebook. LoL. <3
Awesome! Willie has a facebook page too. I had to help Johnny with his page, I don’t know how all the others figured it out. They’re kinda feisty too. <.<;
I’m pretty excited to show the keytar parts too. Benedict is really proud of that keytar.
Beni’s awesome his music skills and ‘voice of a god-damn angel’, as navy dude has said, will pwn! There’s a reason he was put in charge, and now he’s gonna show why! I’ve been waiting for this! And is this battle based off of a real one? I’m not sure.
…And how DID all those fires start, anyway?
Also, pannel 3, Beni’s face looks kinda like Snickerdoodle’s. @_@
Yeah, this battle is based on the battle at the North Bridge in Concord, MA after the battle at Lexington. It’s a quickie again, but I get to show both bands play this time.
First Fire: Coincidence. Second Fire: Twin Error.
Haha, Benedict’s face does look like Snickerdoodle in that panel. I think I miss drawing that dog or something and I channeled that into Benedict.
Ah, battle of Concord. Knew it was familiar, but I wasn’t exactly a history buff… Aw man, then i know how this is going to turn out. @_@
Heh, twins, I love you so~
Well, a good choice of medium to channel it through! Also, I’m not sure if you did this, but did you ever consider what each character would sound like? Like, for Paul and Benedict, what band singers they would sound like? The curiosity kills me. Like CANCER.
Yeah, I’ve definitely considered what I’d like the characters to sound like and, perhaps, what the bands should sound like.
For The Union Jack-Offs, I really like them to sound like one of my favorite bands, Gallows. I like that kind of voice for Benedict, but not a lot of people agree with me on that one.
For the Paul Reveres, I really want them to sound punk, but also emo at times because that’s just where Paul seems to be. I’m going to hate myself for saying this, but I almost think they should sound like AFI. I dunno. I do know however, that their sound will probably be changing throughout the comic anyway. ;)
Gallows? You just made my day, love. And I like AFI, so you’re not alone…~ Although, if you want emo and rock, listen to Kamelot, althought I don’t think there’s much punk… None at all. BUT THEY FREAKING AMAZING OMGIDUNNOITSAWESOMESQUEEORGASMICAWESOME. Then again, Kamelot is a british band… And their music isn’t mostly emo, either… But still awesome none the less. Epica and Black Halo are the bestest, although I did like Ghost Opera to a degree where my friends put me in a pseudo-rehab. >.>
Oh, also… Will Beni’s past with the Son’s Of Liberty be brought into the comic? And his old occupation as a pharmacist? Oh, and, of course, his sister?
I don’t know about Benedict’s past. I’ll probably show some.
To be honest, Benedict was never actually supposed to be Benedict Arnold. People just think he is for some reason. However, the connection is kind of neat and I may end up doing something with it when it’s time for Ethan Allen to come into the comic.
Okay, question. Does Tobi, either, or Allen have an actual historical figure attributed to them? Because being the nerd that I am, I have been looking for them, and seem to be failing at it rather badly…
And the either in there was a typo and was meant to ask about either of the twins.
Toby and Allen don’t really have any historical figures they’re based on. Same for Edward and Henry too.
Allen’s name kind of came from Ethan Allen because I like the Ethan Allen / Benedict Arnold connection, but he isn’t Ethan Allen, obviously. I got plans for Ethan Allen in this comic. ;)
I was at this concert.
I was the crazy one in the back screaming “TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS!!”
I quite enjoy todays new voting incentive, even though I’m confused as to why Warren has his “Go Easy On Me” face on. . .
LOL! How am I not surprised?!
And yeah, it’s kind of a weird vote incentive. I figure I always portray him as being strong and forward, so I tried something different. Maybe it’s a different side of Warren? I dunno.
His Majesty’s Army. Powerful, but not necessarily punctual.
Dude, keytar, I’m sooouuuuped.
The keytar will be awesome. I’ll try to throw in some epic poses!
he has to worry about his fans planning to glomp him. I recently played Beatles Rockband which is <3 btw…..and i remebered Hanson vs Beatles in the first chapter XD. (Keytar is the best! I’ve only seen it in K-on tho)
What are Paul and the band playing? “Seven Nation Army”?or since they are emo, a My Chemical Romance song (listened to them again recently because of Umbrella Academy), or Panic! at the Disco? XD (i’m sorry I couldn’t help it XD)
Hehe. I don’t know how well the keytar fits with the image The Union Jack-Offs seem to portray, but I’m such a dork for the keytar, so it has to be! I enjoy giving Benedict the same love for the keytar that I have.
And I don’t know which emo band they should sound like. You named all the ones my sister likes.
Oh, and Benedict will have some hardcore fans too. It’s not just Paul with all the weirdos… *cough* Johnny.