I’m headed out for a vacation to Colonial Williamsburg next week! Yeah, I really know how to party.
Unfortunately, that means I won’t be able to update the comic with new pages, so I’m planning something else for next week. For Tuesday, I’ll have a blog post about the day I went to Concord, MA on Patriot’s Day weekend with lots of pictures for you to see. I didn’t end up preparing anything for Friday, so I’ll see you all for regular updates again on Tuesday, May 25th!
Also, I’ll be at the Maine Comic Arts Festival on Sunday, May 23 in Portland, Maine! Hope to see some of you there, maybe!
Oh, if you follow Johnny on facebook you should also know that some awesome people have also created more character pages. It’s pretty amusing! If you want to check them out there’s pages for Benedict, Willie, Paul and Toby so far.
Wow this came out fucking amazing! The colors look epic! Still think that guitar is gheyyyyy, but I love what you did with the stage lighting!
That guitar is wicked rad! What’re you talking about?!
And glad you like the page. I realized my colors were gradually getting kind of “blah” so I decided to fix it all at once.
There are totaly rocking out and I love it and are we ever going to get lyrics and have fun on your vacation ^_^
Haha, thanks! And I’m probably not going to do the lyrics thing unless it serves some kind of purpose historically or in the plot. I find song lyrics in a comic awkward to read.
Oh well it was just a question ^_^ and if I were to write some lyrics would you use them? Just asking and in any case have a great time :P
VOTE INCENTIVE: AWESOME. Benedict looks like he got punched in the nose first, though… >.>
Also… OMGDON’TBESADBENI! Awesome page, though, looks effing amazing~ Still wanna see Ben rock out on his guitar… @_@ Even if he’s not supposed to be Benedict Arnold(which, after I think about it, makes sense, considering the timeline and order of battles), he’s still freaking awesome, probably MORE awesome.
I wish history class taught us like this… >.>
Vote Incentive: Yeah, he was supposed to look that way. It was part of a little RP thing that was happening on facebook. I mean, how could I really not draw that? It brought out my inner fangirl. :/
And don’t worry, you’ll see Benedict rockin’ out soon enough!
I know that everyone’s commenting on how super awesome this page looks, but…
Is that Harold I see in the audience? xP
Oh wow, it does look like Harold! The chick next to him could be his girlfriend too. I should bring them back.
Also this page just rocked my face off. It is beautiful. I love Paul’s expressions– I wanna know what they’re playing! Aaahhh happy. If you sold this page minus the text as a poster, I would buy it.
o_o Too much awesome.
You know I had to put the pie in there somewhere! Toby might get hungry up there!
And I’m super excited you like the page! You’re right. It would probably make a pretty cool poster. I might have to do that!
OMG YEAH a poster would be awosome >_< ,\m/
Your rockin now paul, but beware the Keytar!!!!!! Hope you get inspired on your vacation! :)
The keytar is coming!
And, thanks! I always get new ideas for the comic when I visit historic places! It’s the best part!
Sorry for the late reply, Portal is free. I haven’t slept in awhile. Ect. ect. . .
Oh Paul, you’ve gotta be careful where you spit when your singing!
You don’t want spittle all over your fancy-shmancy guitar.
Which is really gross to get off when it gets all crusty and stuff. xP
I keep trying to imagine the type of music they’re playing on pages like this, but all I’m getting at the moment is Still Alive. . . Which has literally pushed all other songs out of my brain.
Aw, Willie! Don’t make Benedict feel bad!