Comic srtip is serious and I like it. It’s always good to have serious moments in points of the story worth the wait thanks ^_^. also I cut my thumb with a knife and it hurts *manly man is craying* T_T
I know right but that’s what happens when you play the knife game or you cut yourself cleaning a knife eather way it still hurts and it’s still messy but chicks dig scars right? And I’m sorry it made you woozy
I know! There is a story too! Willie is a complicated character.
I’m planning on using the next issue for some character building type stuff. There just never seems to be enough pages and I end up hinting at things here and there. The twins even have a back story. :/ One thing at a time, I guess.
Hehe. I wanted to take this opportunity to at least tell a few things about the twins. Which is the older twin is always the question my sister and I get asked.
HAISERS! Wow, its been a bit. Exams are a pain. >.<
Anywho, lets see… I DEMAND A WILLE AND BENEDICT BACKSTORY COMIC. And a twins one, too.
Willie looks so much like a big brother when he’s separating the twins its not even funny. And OMG BENNI’S FACE IN THE LAST PANEL. ARGH. I just wanna huggle him till he feel better. @_@
Comic srtip is serious and I like it. It’s always good to have serious moments in points of the story worth the wait thanks ^_^. also I cut my thumb with a knife and it hurts *manly man is craying* T_T
I saw the pictures on facebook. They are bloody pictures and make me woozy. O.o;;
I know right but that’s what happens when you play the knife game or you cut yourself cleaning a knife eather way it still hurts and it’s still messy but chicks dig scars right? And I’m sorry it made you woozy
Yes. Chicks totally dig scars.
He he allright
Looks like my weekend with the Pratt twins.
I don’t remember us fighting.
Well… except over the blankets. She’s a blanket hog!
Why do I have a mental image of Benedict crying like a child while Willie cradles him and pets his mohawk?
“Big brother?” I wanted to hug him, omg :(
frikkin rickrolled AGAIN. seriously.
LOL at the Rick Roll! Haha, sorry. I should add more songs to that list so that you don’t get it so often.
I have the same mental image too. Although, Willie doesn’t look like the cuddling type.
I would love to know why Willie is in the army in the first place and why he feels so protective of Benedict? We need a background story on those two!
I know! There is a story too! Willie is a complicated character.
I’m planning on using the next issue for some character building type stuff. There just never seems to be enough pages and I end up hinting at things here and there. The twins even have a back story. :/ One thing at a time, I guess.
i have an addiction to twins <3….these two DO NOT HELP in my rehab :< XD (way to go again miss tina) oh and i KNEW it! Ed was the big bro :D.
Hehe. I wanted to take this opportunity to at least tell a few things about the twins. Which is the older twin is always the question my sister and I get asked.
And twins are awesome! No need for twin rehab!
you are not helping, miss tina! XD eeep twins! <3 you are so lucky XD
. . . Well, at least that’s how I give hugs.
Heehee~ The twins are so cute!
With all their bickering and such =w=~<3
Is that music note a gunshot. . ?
xD Or you know, guitar shot.
FFFFFFFF~ Something like that =3=;;
No, its a cum-shot. *stabbed*
Yeah, I got some issues…
Gross! Mind out of the gutter.
I totally wasn’t thinking that. TOTALLY.
Haha, you give hugs until you squeeze the life out of the other person too? Willie is a bad ass! That’s not a hug!
And, yeah, gun shot, I suppose.
HAISERS! Wow, its been a bit. Exams are a pain. >.<
Anywho, lets see… I DEMAND A WILLE AND BENEDICT BACKSTORY COMIC. And a twins one, too.
Willie looks so much like a big brother when he’s separating the twins its not even funny. And OMG BENNI’S FACE IN THE LAST PANEL. ARGH. I just wanna huggle him till he feel better. @_@
Did you make it through all your exams? I remember those days. Sleep was definitely optional. That’s art school for you.
I’ll try to fit in as much backstory stuff as I can. I have plans for the next issue… so we’ll see.
LOL Henry and Eddy fighting is amusing! And I agree with Willow! BACKSTORY PLEASE! :D
Wow, everyone wants a backstory. I kinda want to do one as a new vote incentive every week maybe. That might be fun. Gotta plan it all out first. ;)
ADFM! I LOVE THEIR FACES! Especially in the last panel. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3