>>>>>> UPDATE: <<<<<<
I was able to recover all my files from my laptop and put them onto an external drive. I can now work on the comic again. I’ll be posting the next page on Tuesday, October 20. Thanks for hanging in there with me everyone! It’s been a rather stressful week, for sure.

Also, thanks for all the comments, e-mails and IMs about the situation. I appreciate it. <3

Sorry about the lack of updates this week. I’m having computer problems, as in, I don’t have a computer.

I’m taking home my work laptop at night and I’m working with a wacom tablet to try and get some stuff done. I’m practicing with the tablet at the moment because it’s been a while since I’ve used one. I’m hoping I can recover some files from my old laptop so that I can continue making the comic pages. Having the new page that I already drew and all my color swatches will make working on the comic easier. If recovering my old files is just not an option, I’ll start the page over and cry… a lot. I’m hoping to get a new page up for next Tuesday, but I’ll have other updates up in between to let you all know what’s happening.

If anyone wants to send in fan art or a guest page, that would be cool. I can post it here to keep everyone coming back like they actually like this place. You can send any goodness in to my e-mail tina(at)ensho.net

Thanks for understanding everyone! I’ll get the next page up as quickly as I can.