And there’s the end of Issue 3. Hate to leave you hanging like this, but I enjoy it, so let me be happy.
Also, you’ll be hanging for a while because I’m taking a break before I start the next issue. To be precise, the comic will be back Friday, March, 5th. The reason for this? I have to get Issue 2 and 3, which includes all the bonus comics ready for print so I can have them in time for the conventions in April. So don’t think I’m going to be actually taking a break from the comic. I’m going to be working on it every friggin’ day. You have no idea how my social life will be effected by this.
Speaking of cons, I hope to see some of you this year! I’m kicking things off at Anime Boston April 2-4 and the week after that I’ll be in NYC at MoCCA. Super fun! :D
CliffsNotes Version: Next page will be posted Friday, March 5.
… “social life”? XD I doubt you even know what one looks like, let alone have one.
You just love to stomp on my heart, don’t you?
. . . Actually when I first saw this page all I could see was the squishy horse butts and I was like “Pfft~ Butts” THEN I noticed the dorama. . . =3=;; I’m so immature.
I love how everyone in the last panel is like “. . . oh no. . . ” and Snickerdoodle is just like “Omnomnom~<3”
I actually love cliffhangers, and at least you update on time or only like a day late. I’ve read and waited for comics that updated MAYBE once a month if I was lucky! xD
I’m a pretty patient person.
It’s okay, I REALLY have no life. If my family didn’t literally push me out the door and tell me to go outside and do something I don’t think I’d ever go out. . . =_=;;
Oh god, those horse butts. Horses are so hard for me to draw. It’s terrible. Those horse butts look ridiculous, but it took me a lot of tries to get that far. I hope doofy horses are amusing to more people than just me.
And, yeah, I make a big effort to update on time. This is probably like the latest a page has ever gone up. I try not to make excuses, but I was really exhausted this week, for some reason. After I finished this page I ended up sleeping for like 12 hours. Feelin’ good now!
This page probably shouldn’t amuse me as much as it does.
Everyone in the last panel: “The British are co— fuck.”
Snickerdoodle: “Gee, this is a lovely-tasting biscuit. And look! A barbecue! Oh boy am I excited!”
Also, we love you no matter what! Delays are not even a little bit of a big deal. Hope you don’t get buried in work. Oh, and AnimeBostonAnimeBostonAnimeBoston yaaaaaayyy! :D
Haha, Snickerdoodle does look happy in that last panel. I think that was unintentional on my part, but really, who could be sad when they have a zebra cake?
And I’m getting excited for Anime Boston! I’m trying to think of some new stuff to have at the table other than the two new comic issues.
Damn you a cliffhanger noz :3 but it’s all good I have followed this long then I can wait til march ^_^
Cliffhanger on an actual cliff, of sorts. HUH.
And the break’s only a week and a half, really. It will go by quickly. I may post sketches and stuff I’m working on up on twitter too, so you may get mini updates, perhaps.
i can dig it
~Burn baby burn! Disco inferno!~ Sorry, had to do it :3
Haha, thanks. Now that song is stuck in my head.
The Paul Reveres just aren’t getting any chance to kick any ass are they?
Well, according to history, it’s very likely for ass kickery. ;)
Oh yeah! XD
Do you think this comic will make it as far at the Battle of Saratoga? (1777) I think that’d be fun to see, since I’m from there XP
I plan to make it to the end. I haven’t written that far ahead yet, but I have an outline of ideas and plot points that I’m working with, so, yeah, that’s the plan.
Coolio! It’ll be fun to see my city on this comic
How can the British start all those fire and mayhem if they only have guitars and a bass and a drum set? How are these battles lethal?!?!?!?!?!
Mosh Pits.
And who said the British started a fire? :>
They didn’t start the fire.
Great, now I have that Billy Joel song stuck in my head.
Ho Ho. Wow. THIS IS GETTING…. suspenseful. :D
hahaha. I’m just curious but are you ever going to come to an anime convention in California?
It’s so far away. D:
I keep wanting to though. I think AnimeExpo is sold out for tables now or something? I’ll have to ask around.
Oh, what part of California, in specific?
San Francisco region perhaps?
I should’ve paid more attention in History class…now I just have to wait for you to put out more pages. XD
Good luck with all your crazy prepwork for the upcoming cons. Looks like you’re doing a lot of traveling.
Thanks! I think I may be cutting out a few cons and maybe adding a new one or something. I don’t know. That is a lot of traveling. Think I’d rather go on a real vacation this year at some point. :/
Dedication and disipline! Poor Toby, forgotton and ignored once more.
But he looks so happy! :D