I think Paul is too nice too Johnny. We also have to say goodbye to Johnny for a little while. I know you’re all disappointed.
Also, I’ve been hearing talk about a Dallas Webcomics Expo in Texas happening in November. I know I usually only do New England cons, but if this is like anything like The New England Webcomics Weekend, it’ll be cool. I’m still deciding if I want to go to this Texas one or not.
It just keeps getting better and better now anytime I think of history your guys come up and I love it
That’s awesome!
I could never take Johnny Tremain as a serious literary character anymore either. I’m a ruiner! Haha…
lol, every page with Johnny has him sticking his tongue out at least once. It’s hilarious.
TURBO! That’s how we, camels, run in the sahara.
“Turbo” = Hilarious!!
What? Am I the only one who laughed at the “Can’t say I go there much” line? xD
Maybe the only one who’s mentioned it? Haha, I had to have him say something like that as he’s being all “grabby hands” over there. Almost subtle… maybe.
Can’t wait to see how Paul Revere’s ride turns out in this. I’m thinking there will be a motorcycle involved, but no one will be able to hear his warnings over the motor :P
Ha! A colonial motorcycle ride would be totally awesome, but this is 1775… no motorcycles! Let’s keep it real.
The ride is actually going to be anything but bad-ass. It’s pretty silly.
Yeah, I figured it would be either badass or really silly. Paul doesn’t really seem like he’d do something as badass as making his ride on a motorcycle (A Harley, not a japanese crotch-rocket. He’s a patriot, and they’re more badass anyway). Can’t wait to see how rediculous his ride will be.
Hehe, those legs were made for mad dashing.
LOL dude xD his face is like: PRICELESS lol thou i do feel for the kid, i had this happen b4 u_u not pleasant
Johnny needs a btch slap. Am I the only one to notice him going for Paul’s butt? GRRRRRR!
Haha. I love you.
I don’t even want to know what’s going on in johnny’s mind in panel one.
Don’t blame paul for sending him off.
I don’t even think Johnny knows what’s going on in his mind in panel 1. That kid has some issues.
HA, I love what a weirdo Johnny is. He’s thinking incredibly perverted things in that first panel. I also feel like a weirdo admitting this, but I totally wanna hug him! What a freak he is… especially that mini comic in issue one.
Also, I’m in military and I just keep thinking to myself – why can’t we have epic band battles instead of fighting with guns? And wouldn’t I just LOVE to put more holes in my ears and have awesome, punked-out hair. Man I hope someday I have kids who play instruments or sing and want to have crazy hair… that way I can live vicariously through them. :D
Heh. I’m glad you think Johnny is such a freak that you can actually like him. I may or may not have had some regrets with that mini comic at the end of Issue 1. Well, can’t do anything about it now, it’s printed.
I agree, If I ever have kids (this is a scary thought) I want them to be punk rockers. I’m too old to do that now. Having a mohawk doesn’t really work well in corporate environments.
Aw, it was only in the printed version? No wonder I haven’t seen it and can’t find it. :(
Yeah, I decided to put something a little extra in the printed version.
Sorry it took so long for me to get it, but I have my screen resolution. It’s 1024 x 768.
Also, I finally bought that Paul and Snickerdoodle tote bag! :D Ordered it just now.
Thanks! :D I’m going to ship first class, if that’s okay. If I mail it out tomorrow morning, you’ll probably get it on Wednesday or so.
Hey, was it the Johnny wallpaper you wanted?
Yep, Movin’ an’ Groovin’. (: Are you sending it to the email from the store order?
Yep, just sent the e-mail. ;)
This is great. Now I can see him dancing down the street whenever I go on the computer! xD
I was thinking about going next year and getting a small press table or something. However, I’ve never been to that con, so I don’t know what to expect. Comic conventions are intimidating me for some reason. I should probably get over that. :/
However, I was thinking of doing AnimeExpo, which is in LA, next year. I really like the anime con crowd, for some reason.
Ahhhh!! This comic is the best!! I can’t wait for more. XD
oh no, there was no touching and feeling of his ass just now… XD <3