New Vote Incentive and Otakon
If you want to see what I was working on all weekend, check out the new vote incentive. I’m getting some stuff ready for ConnectiCon at the end of the month. Hopefully my table will be awesome and lots of people will come read the comic.
In other news, I’ll be hanging out at Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland this weekend. As I mentioned before, I’ll be helping out my friend Shawn in the dealer’s room on Friday. It’s the Ninja-Bot/HALOLZ booth, if you’re looking for me for some strange reason. I’ll have those nice Paul Reveres postcards to hand out. I’ll also have some buttons I may or may not be giving out if you find me. I don’t know the location of the table, but it’s supposed to be in some awesome corner or something.
Oh, Friday’s page is coming along well. I’ve managed to recreate the drawing part, now it’s off to do the backgrounds again and color… again. I have learned a lesson through all this though, make backups! The current page has 3 backups right now. Paranoid or prepared? Maybe a little of both.
See you guys on Friday. I’ll be posting the new page from the hotel. That’s always fun!
Yayay! I’ll see you tomorrow night!! XD
And I think you’re more prepared than paranoid. You needs a not-so-overheated laptop.