Ye Olde Computer Problems
Guess what? I was almost finished with the new page for today and my computer overheated and crashed. I know I complain about burning my fragile flesh with the heat storm that is my laptop often, but this time when I opened up the comic page to work on it again, the file was corrupted. 10 hours worth of work… GONE.
Now I have to redo the page. Everything. It will NOT be up today. I’m going to try and get it up for the Friday update instead.
Grargh. Let’s have a moment of silence for the lost page. It was actually pretty good. British crowd scene, buildings in perspective and Gage’s beautiful powdered wig. I am sad.
Nooo!!! That really sucks. :( I hate this kind of thing too, it’s just so frustrating!
Hang in there!
Thanks! I’m working through the page again. It is frustrating.
now that is so sad I’m sorry well i been there. cheer up at least your not on fire right? at least that’s something -_-
Hah! Yeah, being on fire would be way worse. The comic would never get done if that were the case! XD
Aw man, that’s the worst thing ever. I take my hat off for The Page That Never Was.
The page is coming back slowly. It’s like Frankenstein’s monster brought back from the dead or something. It’s ALIIIVE… well, kinda.
Wow, I’m so sorry. There’s nothing more morale killing than hours of lost work. :/
I know! T.T; And you know I hate to do work!
No! I’m sorry ’bout the page. The wig must wait now. :(
Thanks! I’ve recreated the wig. Gage still looks stupid in it. XD
I don’t think its possible for anyone to look good in a wig.
Wait, cross that Franklin’s dad and Livingston in 1776 pulled it off.