That line needed to be in the comic. Sometimes I can be accurate. Rarely, but sometimes.
OH! The online store has been updated with a bunch of new goodies this week! The rad new Paul and Benedict charms featured on the left here, Issue #4, The Union Jack-Offs t-shirts, GMB Poster and the sketchbook. Check it out! I’m going to use the profits from the store to get a baconator.
Oh, and oh man! I got some awesome Benedict fanart today! Check it out on DeviantArt here!
Fantastic colors on this page! :D
Thanks! When in doubt, make it purple!
There needs to be GMB groupies all singing along with them. XD
I’ll draw more of their ladies. T.T;
Aw, I understand. How about male GMB groupies instead…? ;)
WAY AHEAD OF YOU. Haha. Oh Lianne, you’re such a bad influence!
Sucks that I work now in a job I honestly do hate and that I have no service what’s so ever but when I got home and read your comic it made my day and for that I honestly do thank you….so sleepy -_- zZzZz
Was wondering where you were.
I like the paneling on this one, and the background colouring. But where are that guys clothes?! And why do I care so much? Anyway, great. I’m glad you’re back with the updates, and that you had fun.
Heh. He was sleeping so he is sans shirt. I know, pretty risque for a Paul Reveres page.
oh nevermind!
more effervescent rainbows! *w* but why the Jehovah reference? :\
awesome colours btw. and curly-haired-blonde-kid is still chibi as hell. xD
It’s an actual quote Ethan Allen said in history. It’s definitely not a line I’d write for him, but sometimes I like to put in actual historic quotes. I liked how dramatic it was for like no reason.
I like the curly blond guy.
Ethan Allen’s expressions made me laugh so hard. I love how his smirk is almost reaching his ear.
Been reading for a few months now, and been really enjoying it, btw!
(I know it’s a boy band – but in my head that last line sounded like the flash Gordon song by queen)
Thanks for reading! :)
I’ve got to say, your taste in music that you put in the listening to… box is not bad XD
yay rick astley!
Yay. I like it when that one pops up.
That list is SO old. I’ll have to update it soon.