Yeah, Warren has a whole book with those kind of lines. They don’t get any better than that.
As I mentioned last update, I’ll be attending PAX East this Saturday! Some webcomic buddies are planning a meetup in the mall attached to the convention center, in the food court, at 12:00 PM this Saturday. You can read more detail about this little event here: PAX East 2010 Meet-Up!
Also, what’s this? Johnny got a Facebook page?!
It’s true! Instead of making a “Paul Reveres” fan page on the ol’ book of faces, Johnny convinced me that he wanted to be in charge of making his own page. I mean, the kid isn’t very good with computers (he’s a different generation), but if there’s something he’s good at it’s being a creepy stalker. What better website to be the creepy-stalker type on than facebook? I really doubt there is any better website for that purpose.
Anyway, he’ll be updating his facebook page when the comic is updated (if that’s easier for you to follow) with his own comments and such. He’ll also be adding photos of himself such as previous vote incentives, new illustrations he did himself with his trusty crayolas, commenting on your photos telling you that Paul’s butt looks way better than yours, and perhaps he’ll even run some contests with actual prizes and such. It’ll be fun. You should become Johnny’s friend. Johnny needs friends.
Be Johnny’s Friend <3
XD Some monster titties on that gal!
Also I love Paul and Warren’s victory dance, lol
I feel dirty, but I had to ‘represent’. All the random gals in this comic were starting to look the same. Everyone’s different and all that.
Also, don’t say “titties” on mah webpage. u.u;
Well I like her ;3 for all the right reasons and I’m allready friends with Johnny yay :3 and I wish I could go to pax but alas I will not but oh well….he he boobs :3
Heh, she’s the only woman so far NOT to be charmed by Warren. She seems smart to me. Maybe she just needs a sweater or something.
Also, didn’t think her chestiness was that bad. This is why you guys can’t have nice things.
Oh, and Johnny appreciates your friendships.
Maybe you are right and there were bound to be some who are immuned to his charm but hey you know what they say charm is nothing but an asshole with a smile but I think he is different…also no swetter :3
I love the last panel! I love it I love it! Aaah. Benedict is too cute to be threatening!
But he’s about to get his ass kicked. :O
Hah! I think you’re right about that. Willie doesn’t look happy about the situation AT ALL. I don’t think that being “cute” is going to help him with Willie. Then again, maybe it will.
the last panel made me laugh, look at benedict’s arm!!! :D and i love the paulXguitar
Hehe, thanks! :D
Benedict’s arm posture is “a-la-Johnny” and therefore freaky.
panel 2: Bendy Arm Brigade!!!!
Everything about this page is awesome~!!! *o*
Especially those first two panels.
Oh Paul, you are no sparkly eyed bishie you’re not allowed to make that face.
FFFFF~ And Johnny get your face out of Paul’s armpit, this is the 1700s! I highly doubt Paul has bathed for some time. xD
. . . Or wait, I think it is. . . OH LORDS I DON’T REMEMBER ANYMORE!!!
The only historical knowledge I have is all about King Henry the 8th.
I know nothing of history, and yet I could write a book about Pokemon.
. . . Don’t judge me. D:<
LOL! I read this comment on my phone at Applebee’s (terrible food, btw) tonight and laughed! Y’know it probably has been a while since any of them have bathed. I guess Johnny likes the scent or something? I don’t exactly know what he’s doing in that corner.
And there’s nothing wrong with the Pokemans. They are awesome. My favorite is Jigglypuff!
I was right maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Pink Geetar+Paul= Rock Luv
Hehe! He HAD to pick the pink one!
It’s a manly shade of pink.
UWAH! I’m Johnny’s friend! xD
I love this whole page~ I missed Benedict.
I missed Benedict too. u.u;
Why is Toby looking at them in disgust in the first panel?
Probably because he doesn’t get the wavy noodle arms. Toby never gets anything.
Haha, poor Toby.
was the custom guitar an original design of yours or was it based on a real life guitar.
It was based on a real custom guitar I found online. I changed the colors to make it more girly and rad. The guitar will have another purpose later.
do you still know the website.