Willie! I said stop being creepy!
Those little bastards but I would be spoiled too if my father was the general >:3 fun stuff as always
They are kind of bratty. What were they supposed to do though? Dude’s scary!
Go for the crotch shoot muahahahahaha!!!!
Yeah no, thats when Willie stops liking kids and starts killing them painfully.
Sure as hell what I would do.
D:< think about those cartoon babies being brutally murdered, you want that?
meh i would plus they are British… but i guess not..
…. just gonna have to murder you instead, Jesus. >:D
Tina still makes those faces the little girl makes, its super cute :P
Dwawwww that’s adorable ^_^
D’aw, Willie.
Perspective is awesome!
Thanks! :D
Wow! XD Willie just got owned by some kids. Ouch, Willie, Ouch…
Dude Willie, not the way to get on the good side of Gage! LOL Also, the twins rock.
LOVED your excuse for where Gage’s other kids are. You should totally do a “in the meantime…” panel showing them at the firecracker store or something.
OMO LOL I THINK I JUST LOST RESPECT FOR WILLIE’S BADASSNESS. That expression in the third panel is just too ridiculous.
I <3 the twins~ Soooooooooo much. xD
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Those little bastards but I would be spoiled too if my father was the general >:3 fun stuff as always
They are kind of bratty. What were they supposed to do though? Dude’s scary!
Go for the crotch shoot muahahahahaha!!!!
Yeah no, thats when Willie stops liking kids and starts killing them painfully.
Sure as hell what I would do.
D:< think about those cartoon babies being brutally murdered, you want that?
meh i would plus they are British… but i guess not..
…. just gonna have to murder you instead, Jesus. >:D
Tina still makes those faces the little girl makes, its super cute :P
Dwawwww that’s adorable ^_^
D’aw, Willie.
Perspective is awesome!
Thanks! :D
Wow! XD Willie just got owned by some kids. Ouch, Willie, Ouch…
Dude Willie, not the way to get on the good side of Gage! LOL Also, the twins rock.
LOVED your excuse for where Gage’s other kids are. You should totally do a “in the meantime…” panel showing them at the firecracker store or something.
OMO LOL I THINK I JUST LOST RESPECT FOR WILLIE’S BADASSNESS. That expression in the third panel is just too ridiculous.
I <3 the twins~ Soooooooooo much. xD