Sorry for the page delay! It’s been a busy two weeks at work and with extra freelance work.
The most tasteless pages end up as updates during Christmas. Haha. Last year was opium and this year you get green projectile snot and side-ass. Festive!
I’m going to be taking a little break over the holidays for traveling and gaining some of my sanity back. Next update will be: Monday, January 8th.
Merry Christmas!
Johnny always wanted to be the elf on the shelf! I think it’s a good fit!
Have sum good holidays yo! And heres to another good year for paul rev… er… a better one than the one he seems to be having now XD seeya in a years time!
You too!
Hopefully things can get better for Paul soon. ;)
Have a good time of your holidays! (Away from snot and zots and drama queens, of course)
You just described my family. This is going to be tough!
Is the drama queen Paul?
When is the drama queen NOT Paul?
Good point.