It feels as though there are a lot of different perspectives in this page, I like it~<3
I love the faces everyone is making in this page too! Paul’s side is all “I’m serious plz” and Benedict’s side is all “Lol plz”
. . . Except or Willie of course because of his bandana. I wonder if he has a green french mustache or maybe Angelina Jolie lips!?!?
Yeah, I tried to do a couple different things with the panels and camera angles on this page. When I work on something like a comic for a long time, things like camera angles and panel layouts start to look the same. I’m really trying to add some variety and break out of some of the habits I’ve gotten myself into.
Haha, no Angelina Jolie lips for William. That would be so scary! Sooner or later we may see what his face looks like. Maybe…
Tension in the air every one is ready for an all out battle and I can’t wait!!!! >.<
Yep! Finally! :D
It feels as though there are a lot of different perspectives in this page, I like it~<3
I love the faces everyone is making in this page too! Paul’s side is all “I’m serious plz” and Benedict’s side is all “Lol plz”
. . . Except or Willie of course because of his bandana. I wonder if he has a green french mustache or maybe Angelina Jolie lips!?!?
Yeah, I tried to do a couple different things with the panels and camera angles on this page. When I work on something like a comic for a long time, things like camera angles and panel layouts start to look the same. I’m really trying to add some variety and break out of some of the habits I’ve gotten myself into.
Haha, no Angelina Jolie lips for William. That would be so scary! Sooner or later we may see what his face looks like. Maybe…
wow serious last panel. except for toby getting poked in the stomach
Yeah, I thought it was too serious, so I had to throw something in. Can’t let the comic get all dramatic.
OH MY GOSH! -hyperventilates- THE BATTLE! COMMENCES!!! – faints-
o WOW. IS THAT EDWARD POKING TOBY’S TUM TUM? D8 wow, maybe I was wrong about the dude being “boring.”
I know. He’s getting a little sassy, I think. ;)
omg D8 but edward… i loved u the way u were… ok watever xD im really excited :3
The tension! It’s there… maybe.
Conflicts arise! :O
YAY! Finally! :D
This page was totally worth the wait! The Brits are being so snoody! Everyone has the ‘I’m so angry I’ve suddenly grown a unibrow’ thing going on too.
*squee* BATTLE!!!!
LOL. I didn’t notice the unibrow action that’s going on around here. I guess when it gets serious, the unibrows come out to play.