Small, yet mighty! I really like drawing him. I’m glad I’m back to the British dudes for these next few pages, although the uniforms are a pain to color. Stupid buttons and crap.
gage is one of my least favourites right now… FILTHY YANKEE URSELF lol
lol, i commend u on a job well done, u’ve succesfully made this comic so awesome i’ve started talking about William and the twins as if they are real ppl xD
oh those crazy brits what will do next? :3
Oh, I dunno. I think they’re gonna start a war or something.
haha love panel 7 the squiggly lines are so cool!
Oh yeah? It looks cool? Not like filler because I hate drawing backgrounds? OHEMGEE. Nah, it kinda has a purpose. Yay, manga tones.
Very true.
I love the li’l blush marks on Willie in the last panel. XD
Thought you’d like that. I knew I didn’t put it in there just for me. ;)
I love how Benedict is so short.
Just had to put that out there.
Small, yet mighty! I really like drawing him. I’m glad I’m back to the British dudes for these next few pages, although the uniforms are a pain to color. Stupid buttons and crap.
I just discovered your comic! WOW! Its great! I really love your style. Bookmarked!
Thanks Gregori!
gage is one of my least favourites right now… FILTHY YANKEE URSELF lol
lol, i commend u on a job well done, u’ve succesfully made this comic so awesome i’ve started talking about William and the twins as if they are real ppl xD
Awws, Gage and Willie don’t get along. I kind of like the tension.
LOL xD are they gonna kill eachother?
LOL. They want to.
=D go willie -holds up cardboard sign “I<3 Willie”-