This page kind of connects that happenings at the end of Issue #5. Next week we’ll be back in New York with our Benedict and the boyzzzzz.
This page kind of connects that happenings at the end of Issue #5. Next week we’ll be back in New York with our Benedict and the boyzzzzz.
Just love they way you are taking the story everytime you update I drop whatever I am doing and read it thats how good it is :D so like it or not I am a fan for life >:3
u.u;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OH MAN! I ACCEPT YOU FAN FOR LIFE!!!!1
Awwww, Allen weepy face in panel 3! DDDDD:
Great use of shadows and lighting in this page, btw :D
Awesome job. :) You really captured the emotion in Allen’s face well in panel 3! Also, Benedict Arnold. “Super spy” made me laugh out loud!
Hehe, yay! Glad I wasn’t the only one amused at that.
kinda like the scraggy eyes in panel 5
I’ll Scraggy eyes you!
Aaahhhh! No, don’t cry! <3
And I never thought I would feel quite so bad for Benedict Arnold. :( I want to hug him. I also love the strong lines in the last panel, they really make it more… intimate? Can I say intimate without sounding pervy?
You can say it without being pervy! Although, he is showing some skin there. The most skin ever for this comic.
there’s no shame in crying like a girl. chicks dig that. :3
oh, and the vote incentive was so cute….. ^^ i hope you don’t mind that i saved it :\
by the way, are you going to be at Anime Boston? :\
Yep! Definitely going to be at Anime Boston! I did finally get a table, although I’ll be sharing with my sister.
And glad you liked the vote incentive. I don’t mind that you saved it! :D
yey~ ^^ i’ll make sure to look for you ^^
Aw, he cried!!! Also, he thinks Benedict is indestructible!!!! Oh, Willy/Allen! <3
I’m glad it’s okay to save the vote incentive… I save all the ones I click… To gander upon…. Freely…
Aw, poor Allen! Nothing wrong with crying “like a girl”!
And the vote incentive is adorable! Koala bear pancakes ftw! :)