I know I draw Toby a lot just standing around in the background. Thought I’d show him doing something nice for a change. Him sharing pie is a big deal.
I love how Benedict has a lil’ band aid on his keytar~<3
Also how Toby is like “Don’t worry Paul! You can just eat you feelings away! :D”
I am apparently psychic as I knew about Johnny as Johnny Appleseed before anyone else!!
(Other than you and anyone you may have told of course.)
Maybe I can read your mind Tina!?!? o.O
Benedict looks unfazed now, lmao. Aw Allen though. :\ He’s like “You’re gonna get it Paul! ….Aw man, I can’t hit you… Oh look! A tall Yank! (referring to Warren) Grrrrrr you!”
Allen accepts how gay he is when it comes to Benedict XD
I accept it too. u.u;
that middle 3 panel rocks!
Thanks! I like doing panels that go together like that. Almost makes me feel like I’m doing animation.
Wow akward (-3-) but In a good way love the page
Haha, thanks. I really enjoy awkward.
I love the background transition in the three middle panels. :D
And I love that Toby’s sharing pie in the last panel. xD
I know I draw Toby a lot just standing around in the background. Thought I’d show him doing something nice for a change. Him sharing pie is a big deal.
;u; Benny’s keytar has a bandaid cutest ever officially omg
Yay! You noticed the bandaids on the keytar! I figured during Benedict’s fall the keytar maybe got a few boo-boos. Hehe.
And glad you like the vote incentive too. I’m really pumped to start working on that little comic story with Johnny. Should be fun!
Poor Allen, still trying to protect his little friend and look like a tuf guy and at the same time struggling over his friendship with Paul.
Oh my god. Your comic has made me “d’aww” for like the 800th time.
D: Oh Willie.
Yay! Awesome!
Willie is a complicated guy. ;)
I love how Benedict has a lil’ band aid on his keytar~<3
Also how Toby is like “Don’t worry Paul! You can just eat you feelings away! :D”
I am apparently psychic as I knew about Johnny as Johnny Appleseed before anyone else!!
(Other than you and anyone you may have told of course.)
Maybe I can read your mind Tina!?!? o.O
Hey, eating your feelings away works for Toby! …and me… u.u;
Our Johnny seemed like a natural choice to play Johnny Appleseed. I hope to make it really awkward.
Benedict looks unfazed now, lmao. Aw Allen though. :\ He’s like “You’re gonna get it Paul! ….Aw man, I can’t hit you… Oh look! A tall Yank! (referring to Warren) Grrrrrr you!”
I wonder how many people do shipping of them, or do a love triangle… hmmm…