Man, it’s really weird drawing Warren and Toby again. Also, in the coming pages there will be a lot more people in wigs you guys probably don’t care about, right? I mean, no one important.
Man, it’s really weird drawing Warren and Toby again. Also, in the coming pages there will be a lot more people in wigs you guys probably don’t care about, right? I mean, no one important.
Panel 1 looks fucking awesome! Brilliant colors! And I like the wig flying off the one guy’s head in the next panel.
I quite agree! It’s one of my top favorite panels so far, actually. :)
Thanks you guys! I struggle doing daytime backgrounds for some reason. I think it’s hard for me to get the colors right. I liked the way this panel came out too. I wish the building was larger in the panel though. There’s so much detail I drew that is lost when it was shrunk down.
First thing I read: “Meanwhile, in Pedophilia”
where is my head at tonight
This would be a totally different kind of comic.
Ben Franklin. Oh how I dislike this dude.
What?! Ben Franklin is part of the core pantheon in Founding Fatherism. You should be bowing down before his mighty bifocal lenses! May his lightning rods ever protect us and redirect harm safely to the ground.
In comparison to the other founding fathers, he’s one of my least favorites too. I don’t know what it is. The man was super smart and such, but something about him… MEH. (it’s the daylight savings time)
I was going to portray him a little differently in the comic to suit how I feel about him, but it looks like I’m going with the fun loving old guy thing. He’ll be silly, but still wise. There’s gotta be a panel with him partying with a bunch of chicks though. I should make a comic strip about it or something.
My main thing against them was that all the founding fathers were elitists. Why do you think we have to do electoral collages? Because they didn’t want the people directly voting for the leader.
I particularly dislike Franklin because he always seemed like a prick, from what I learned in history and historical documents. Brilliant, but still a prick.
I really love the first panel I really do
Thanks! Glad people are liking it!
Loving Toby’s freaked-out face in the first panel.
TOO MANY RUNNINGS! D: Toby no like!
ben franklin looks like someone’s great uncle. xD friendly, wise, and just a little confusing. and possibly kooky. :3
all the running has done them good. toby’s lost weight! ^^ (he doesn’t have to worry about his pants fitting anymore, yay! ^^ )
and to answer you from last week, it’s not that i get alot of mail, it’s that i haven’t really checked it in about 2-3 months. :\
I think I trimmed some of Toby’s pounds accidentally there. It’s been a while since I’ve drawn him. I guess he’s sucking it in to make a good impression on the Continental Congress.
And your assessment about Ben Franklin is pretty spot on to what I’m trying to do with him in the comic.
from all the history class, he strikes me as the kind of guy who would have been eccentric in real life. so yay you for being accurate. :3
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson could be in the next few pages?
Could be! Yeah, I’m not excited either.
Yee! I’m back and ready for moooore Paul Reveres!!!! XD <3 Ben Franklin :D
Welcome back! :D
I only really started reading this a couple days ago but it is definitely one of my favorite comics
Oh wow! Thanks for reading!