I think it’s just hilariousness the tug of war Willie has to play on Bennie to get him to do anything.
So how was the dentist trip, did you have to take much time off? Hope I didn’t scare you too much with my wisdom teeth horror story.
The dentist was okay. I only took two days off from work. It really wasn’t too bad with all the pain meds. I just can’t wait to eat regularly again. I’m getting the stitches out tomorrow morning. Whoo!
I guess Willie is like some kind of angry mom or something to Benedict. I think that’s the kind of mom I’d be.
YAY! He’ll super appreciate someone liking his humor. I don’t think Willie does at all. Well, he could be smiling a little under that bandanna, I suppose.
Yeah, I got my wisdom teeth out last week. I’m doing good now. Everything went fine and wasn’t scary like I was probably freaking out about. Got the stitches out this morning, so it’s all over now. Yay!
I think it’s just hilariousness the tug of war Willie has to play on Bennie to get him to do anything.
So how was the dentist trip, did you have to take much time off? Hope I didn’t scare you too much with my wisdom teeth horror story.
The dentist was okay. I only took two days off from work. It really wasn’t too bad with all the pain meds. I just can’t wait to eat regularly again. I’m getting the stitches out tomorrow morning. Whoo!
I guess Willie is like some kind of angry mom or something to Benedict. I think that’s the kind of mom I’d be.
well the fire will still be there when they get there why the rush man? :3 and are you talking about his mom or MOM you know the queen?
Willie’s mommy. I really want to put Willie’s parents in the comic too. But it’s so far away at this point.
Revolutionary Trivia: Benedict Arnold actually died in 1775 when the when a barmaid from Concord finally snapped and shot him right in the face.
Hope you’re feeling better!
I’m feeling a lot better, thanks! :D
Haha, she does look like she’s going to snap. Benedict was just trying to be good and pay for the food!
I didn’t even see the text in panel one. All I read was “RAAAWWWWRR!!1!”
>< Sorry.
Uh… At least he remembered to pay, right? :’D
“RAAAAWR!” works too!
Yeah, Benedict is quite the gentleman… sometimes… when he wants to be.
LMFAO! I love these panels! Especially the last one! xD
I tee-heed at Benedict’s joke. :D
YAY! He’ll super appreciate someone liking his humor. I don’t think Willie does at all. Well, he could be smiling a little under that bandanna, I suppose.
hahah benedict’s mom comment last panel, Loved it.
Yay! Thanks! Nothing’s better than a mom joke.
Unless it’s about my mom. Then there’s trouble!
YOU WENT TO THE DENTIST!?! how are you now ms tina? D: i only just got to reading your updates today!
Yeah, I got my wisdom teeth out last week. I’m doing good now. Everything went fine and wasn’t scary like I was probably freaking out about. Got the stitches out this morning, so it’s all over now. Yay!