The disclaimer for Panel 4 is that I love all English people and I think they are all beautiful.
Also, I hope you enjoy the cannons. I enjoy the cannons.
The disclaimer for Panel 4 is that I love all English people and I think they are all beautiful.
Also, I hope you enjoy the cannons. I enjoy the cannons.
of course in reality, EVERYONE had horrid teeth back then. and I enjoyed the cannons.
Good point. Ethan Allen is in denial.
frigging knew you were gonna have them straddling the cannons!
Of course! What else were you expecting from me?!
Who doesn’t enjoy cannons?
This is true.
People on the wrong end of them.
This is extra true.
Vote incentive is so adorable/sad! I want to give Paul a hug.
Unrelated, I think this is the first page where Benedict has looked truly, 100% angry. I like it.
Yeah, he looks scary here. He’s usually such a happy guy, pretty much. Thought he looked extra creepy on panel 4.
Oh, and Paul needs lots of hugs. u.u;
I read through your entire archives, and love the comic so far! I like your take on the events of the Revoultionary War…I believe right now is the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, correct? /major history nerd :P
Oh, awesome! Thanks for reading! It’s always Bice to have another history nerd around here. And, yes, this is Fort Ticonderoga.
ah the spoils of war!! got to love it
The British aren’t loving it!
I recently found this webcomic and I am much in love with it and your style :D I feel like this could be a cartoon on TV. It’d be better than most of what’s out there now and not to mention educational…sorta. So yeah, I love it ^-^
Wow thanks! Glad you’re enjoying the comic so far. Thanks for reading!
I decided to read through your entire archive from the beginning, this reminds me of that show Liberty kids meets flcl meets beck. Its fucking GENIUS!!!!!!! I love your drawing style as well, its adorable and hilarious. Also excellent job at being somewhat historically correct in a way lol. (> ^.^)><(^.^<)
I’ve only seen a few episodes of Liberty Kids. I should make the effort to watch them all one of these days. I try to keep some historical facts in the comic while still maintaining some originality so it’s not just like following a text book. Glad I’m keeping it interesting.
Thanks for reading!