Against Me! is kind of a soft spot for this comic’s official “music advisor.” I kind of side with Willie.
Also, Yum! DOG FOOD. It’s some kind of pudding or mashy thingy. I’ll take bacon and eggs any day.
I’ve been meaning to write up little blog posts about Anime Boston and MoCCA, but I haven’t found the time. I just want to say that both cons were great and I had an awesome time meeting you all! There were so many of you at Anime Boston that had already read the comic and that gave me the damn warm-fuzzies. Also, did you know someone’s going to be cosplaying Willie at ConnectiCon this year? Yeah, how awesome is that?! Can’t wait! :D
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. I’ll be celebrating the Patriot’s Day activities at Minute Man National Historical Park this Saturday. I’m especially looking forward to the reenactment of the North Bridge battle. I’ll probably have a lot of pictures (of statue butts) to share with you next week!
Ha ha ha what more do I need to say but just ha :3
HA… alright!
In a good way ^_^
Oh my god Benedict’s teary little face. :3 Too cute. Awww, coffee’s not that bad, is it?
Have fun on Saturday! I’ll be in Lexington on Monday, watching us get our asses whupped. :D
I think coffee is that bad. :|
Thanks! And have fun on Monday too! I’d LOVE to go to Lexington, but I don’t get Patriot’s Day off from work… even if I do work in Massachusetts. :[ Hope it doesn’t rain for you on Monday. Looks like it’s going to be a rainy/snowy cold weekend. Boo!
Hmm I feel the tainted food isn’t as bad as it could be. I know if the hostess was doing strange things with my food I might not mind. Now if its the chef, completely different story.
It was the cook.
Be afraid.
D:< AM! has not always sucked! If I wasn't such a gentleman, I'd rip your head off for saying such lies! XD Gotta love referencing a band that won't exist for another 250+ years though.
Hehe. You remind me of Benedict a bit, you know. Although I think your Mohawk was never as epic.
And, yeah, I try to keep all things music related in this comic up to present day. Funsies.
Benedict has such mini mood swings~<3
They could do what I do and drink coffee and tea at the same time!
I’m a bit of a caffeine fiend, sometimes I’ll even have soda as well xD
You know. . . I’m less worried about WHO touched the food and more about WHAT it was touched inappropriately with.
;3; *shudders*
Haha, oh man. I know what did the touching and YOU DON’T WANNA KNOW!
And Benedict has girly mood swings quite often. I think he’s a very honest person at times. That’s a good and bad thing depending on the situation. I think Willie appreciates it though.
Haha, Against Me! I almost forgot how they sounded like.
I really like that first panel with the coffee cup reflection. Very clever, but it took me a sec to realize it was the coffee he was staring into. The hard reflections on it made it look like marble. Liquid is so hard to draw; valiant attempt, for sure!
Keep experimenting!! XD
Coffee cup fail. It seemed like a good concept at the time, but then when I tried to draw it… OH MAN. Probably would have helped if I drew the mug part instead of just relying on the round panel border.
It was a good concept. I think adding the mug rim probably would’ve helped a lot. I like the experimentation; it’s definitely better than doing the same ol’ things like some other webcomics like to default to. Not only do you grow as an artist, but it sets you apart from the others. :D
I went and added the mug rim. I think it looks better!
O.O Against me! didn’t used to suck!
Benedict would like you!
I’ve been known to enjoy some older Against Me! from time to time.