Oh my various gods, I thought you were saying it wasn’t Margaret for the sake of uncertainty >.< If this comic gets big enough, there’s gonna be yaoi fanart based around the first three panels of this one (I wish I knew a good emote for nausea, so I could end this post with it)
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny *shakes head* after burnign ur own freaking hand I expected you to get smarter xD lol i actually read johnny Tremain and I think u did a great interpretation of a cartoon him, so silly and hilarious!
Secret time: I’ve never read Johnny Tremain. However, I saw the lame Disney movie version. I think that’s why I made his character extra “special” in this comic. Hehe, it would be hard to read the book now and not think of my version of Johnny the whole time.
johnny is a freak!!! <3
did not see that one coming :/
Sorry! :/
There’s purpose for him being in the story at this point. It’s more focused on the next page, rather than just being really weird like this one.
i believe you it’s just….man this is why i read web comics for really good story’s
Sqeek? apparently Paul’s insides are like a dog chew toy. :D
That’s what I figured.
sounds like you found another use for the squekies you used on the snickerdoodle dolls XD
Wait, I was right?!
xD That’s a nice twist.
So wearing a women’s coat makes him stand like a girl? : P
LOL. Johnny is a delicate flower, of sorts.
Definitely caught me by surprise. Oh Johnny, and his fine women’s coats…. XD
They’re imported from Europe!
Oh my various gods, I thought you were saying it wasn’t Margaret for the sake of uncertainty >.< If this comic gets big enough, there’s gonna be yaoi fanart based around the first three panels of this one (I wish I knew a good emote for nausea, so I could end this post with it)
That’s a scary thought. What Johnny and Paul have is a one-way street, if that makes sense. Paul hates him.
Maybe a nausea emote could be…. :S
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny *shakes head* after burnign ur own freaking hand I expected you to get smarter xD lol i actually read johnny Tremain and I think u did a great interpretation of a cartoon him, so silly and hilarious!
Secret time: I’ve never read Johnny Tremain. However, I saw the lame Disney movie version. I think that’s why I made his character extra “special” in this comic. Hehe, it would be hard to read the book now and not think of my version of Johnny the whole time.
LOL i think the movie wasn’t that good as the book. lol hence “lame” but i like ur version of johnny, makes me giggle
man, johnny’s weird.
Yes, yes he is. I think there’s something in the water in this place. Everyone’s so odd.
Oh Johnny! I think I adore him in a messed up sort of way!
Hehe, don’t tell Johnny that. He tends to obsess over things.
P.S. I really like Johnny too. He’s tons of fun to write.
As long as its nothing like the way he adores Paul, everything should be fine :P