New Vote Incentive
Did you know Issue #1 of this comic is soon coming to an end? Yeah, I’m going to do that thing where the issue ends on an exciting beginning of sorts. My original storyline for this issue was to encompass the first battle, but instead of rushing it, I was able to dedicate all of Issue #2 to the fun times. Anyways, you can check out this week’s vote incentive to see the sketch I’m working on for the cover of this issue. I’m still working out some kinks of the drawing, but that’s the basic concept. I’m thinking the back cover is either going to be a cute Snickerdoodle thing, or the front cover again, just with the characters in modern-day punk clothing. That would be fun for me. We’ll see.
As you can probably guess, this comic is going to print. I’ll be self-publishing it and toting it at conventions and such. I’m also busy working on bonus content… although, I may scrap everything I have so far and do a Johnny Tremain fan-comic instead. His voice needs to be heard. Is there anything that you’d like to see as bonus content?