April 1775
On an ordinary spring morning, maybe a little overcast, the silence of a small farm on the outskirts of Boston is broken by a scream coming from a shed, “DROP IT!”
Inside the shed decorated with punk rock posters from The Clash and the Ramones, a now teenage Paul Revere is struggling to pull his magenta Fender Stratocaster from a small, yet overly aggressive white little dog with grey spots named Snickerdoodle. Continuing his shouting, Paul demands, “SNICKERS, LET GO RIGHT NOW!”
Suddenly, the guitar falls to the floor with a loud crash.
Snickerdoodle stands aggressively growling over the now broken guitar. The head of the neck still in her mouth and the rest of the guitar lay on the floor, ruined.
Paul is distraught, “MY BABY! How am I supposed to play tonight?!”
Paul picks up the surprised dog to face him and gently shakes her, “You are a VERY BAD dog! BAD!”
Outside, Paul hears his sister, “Paul! PAUL!” She yells louder, “PAUL!”
Preoccupied with Snickerdoodle, Paul finally hears her, “Jennie?!”
11 thoughts on “Page 4”
I like how the guitar has a ghost.
I don’t know why (maybe the big mouth), but in panel 5 he looks like he’s about to kill snickerdoodle.
The guitar has a soul. Even a tiny one at that.
Yeah, Paul does look like he’s about to squeeze the dog until she pops. I wanted him to be somewhat angry at the situation. I figure Snickerdoodle is some type of immortal hell-spawn anyways. I don’t think she can die.
Clearly, Jennie is a Disney theme park expert and an awesome person. XD
Your backgrounds are getting more and more impressive. I love it!
Clearly, she is one who would need running shoes to fully appreciate ALL the Disney World theme parks on a single day.
Also, thanks for the comments on the backgrounds. They’re like pulling teeth for me and I give up on them before I should. Hopefully they will keep getting better with the more pages that I do.
but i love you guys
love it! the backgrounds are really coming together!
I didn’t know the Clash did a 1770 tour
Aw man, how could you forget that one?
i really like the look of the dog he looks like a badass!!!
excuse “she”
Such a odd blend of colonialism with somewhat modern band tech. I’m curious to see how consistent you remain with that.
I try to keep it consistent. Everything having to do with music is modern-day. I’ve slipped up once with a scene with a Martha Stewart magazine later in the comic… And that time with the Cadillacs… You’ll see… Haha.