Page 5

You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this!

30 thoughts on “Page 5

  1. Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….oh and curse you couchfort!!! But yes this tickles my fancy comedy bone thank you hahaha

    1. Couchfort is the devil.

      And glad you’re liking this turn of events. I’ve been planning this forever. Mwahaha.

  2. Oh my god. Ohmagod ohmagod. This is going to be brilliant!

  3. Well, I’m not sure how I feel about this. I love Vermont. I love Ethan Allen. I hate boy bands.

    Should be hilarious, anyway, but I probably won’t be buying THAT poster.

    1. C’mon, you’ll totally want the poster once you see how pretty the boys are. ;)

      BTW, I’ll try not to disgrace Vermont. I like Vermont too!

  4. YUCK boy band?

  5. *manly scream of horror* D:

    1. Didn’t know this was a horror comic, huh?

      1. So frightening! Q.Q I’m worried I’ll find a Justin Bieber wearing a Continental uniform under my bed now!

        1. LOL! No worries! This is a BEIBER FREE COMIC™!

          However, I can totally understand how that can be super frightening.

  6. *facepalm* really? REALLY???

    eh, are they at least good like early backstreet boys? or do they suck like color me badd? :\

    1. REALLY!

      Considering I don’t know who Color Me Badd is and I totally know the Backstreet Boys are, you may be safe on this one.

      1. goooood…..gooooood. >__<;;

        colour me badd was the band that sang “i wanna sex you up”. *facepalm* the only reason i know about them is because of VH1’s “100 best songs of the 90’s” (nirvana ftw -w-).

        looking forward to the “fight”. xDD

  7. I feel like a kid on Christmas…. XD

  8. I just laughed out loud. XD Poor random British guy!

    I was a huge Backstreet boys fan back in the day so this brought a flood of nostalgia. =P

    1. I like how everyone is referencing the Backstreet Boys. Totally what I’m going for.

  9. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

    …I see I have gotten the wrong comic.



    j/k, ilu.

    …Do you even remember me? Oh well, I have a broken arm so I have to type with one hand, BUT.

    I LOVE WHAT YOU DID WITH BENIDICT. And aww he looks so horrified.

    lol, I loved the backstreet boys like holy crap back in the day, man. You best make them boys epic.

    …Also- Ethan isn’t pretty enough to be in a boy band. :/

    1. You know I always remember you!

      And, yeah, I know Ethan Allen isn’t pretty enough to be in the band. He’s more like their manager. Kind of what General Gage is to The Union Jack-Offs.

      1. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

        I see…

        …I’m morbidly curious to see just how pretty these boys are. OH GOD, PLEASE DON’T TELL ME THEY’LL HAVE A DUDE WITH LONG HAIR.

        1. You’ll have to wait until Friday’s update to see! ;)

  10. Ooo, some boy band mojo added to the mix?

    Haha, this should be fun. :)

    1. Thought we could use something a little different. ;)

  11. Gasp! A boy band? Wasn’t David Bowie king bad enough?

    btw, I just started reading this comic, and I love it. It combines my love of history with my enthusiasm for punk rock. Who knew the American Revolution was so awesome? Thanks, Tina!

    1. Awesome! Thanks for reading! Glad you’re liking it so far!

      And, yeah, sorry about the boy band AND David Bowie King. Sometimes things need to be done.

  12. Oh sweet mercy…

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