Page 27

14 thoughts on “Page 27

  1. D: OHGOD!

    XD The facial expressions and colors are fantastic

  2. It just gets better and better XD

  3. Oh…. Shit.

    I just got chills.

    PS: I’m in love with panel 2. It makes the tone of the whole page about 10 times more ominous.

    1. Thanks! I was hoping it would have that effect!

  4. Woah. O_O I wasn’t expecting that one.

    Great job this week, Tina!

  5. Eep!

    JUST starting reading a caught up! Great comic!

    1. Awesome! Thanks for reading! :D

  6. Paul’s face in the final panel. So much fear, I laughed harder than I should have.

    1. Haha, thanks! Willie is a super scary guy!

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