Page 21


18 thoughts on “Page 21

  1. In all honesty i have had that happen to me once >_> (the nipple ring thing)

    1. Oh noes. You woke up with surprise nipple rings?!

      1. oh yeah like i said before me like booze :3 and my friends are real dicks….needless to say i was hammered and passed out and BLAM they got me -_-…sure was a real shock in the morning

        1. YIKES. Almost funny, but I feel for you. :/

        2. well what are you gona do that’s life…oh and if you are wandering yes i did keep them seemed like a waste just to take them out you know.

        3. LOL. Johnny kept his too.

        4. now that we have something in common im starting to like the guy

  2. Johnny no!

    don’t tell them that! It looks like shits about to go down.

    1. Oh, it’s goin’ down!

  3. The nipple ring thing made me choke on my butterscotch. I don’t know if I’d trust Warren to fix my hand like that.

    1. Hehe, I should put a choking hazard warning on this site.

      Yeah, I wouldn’t trust Warren either.

  4. Oh, Warren, such the trickster. XD So does he drink on the job? Or does his job make him drink?

    I ♥ the noodle-y arms.

    1. I don’t think he drinks on the job on purpose, but that doesn’t mean that he’s 100% “there” when he’s working, I suppose. I think he made Johnny cooler.

      Haha, I like how I choose when or not to give the characters a skeletal system.

  5. twins <3 very sweet guys, lol

    apart from willie, i very much like eddie and henry

    1. Hehe. The twins have their share of problems and quirks. I haven’t even been able to fully develop their characters in the comic yet. I need to do that. Probably by Issue 3, I’ll be able to put those scenes in.

      1. SkulduggeryGirl13

        and i shall patiently await for that part ^^ lol

        u kno how u did those xtra johnny pages in issue 1 comic? maybe u could spend some time on the twins and do xtra pages for them in issue 2! lol

        1. Yeah, I was thinking about that actually. It was going to take place BEFORE they came over to the colonies. I haven’t written it yet though…

        2. lol, i cant wait to see it! all flashback-sey xD

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