B-b-but, that’s the problem! Records of this phenomena have gone on for centuries, but are very obscure and have little reknown! So no one will ever know the exact details of what went wrong when Oda Nobunaga and Akechi Mitsuhide accidentally set fire to Honno-ji by doing an epic Japanese ninja secret handshake, or how the pure epic of Julius Caesar’s handhake with Mark Antony made jealous senators assassinate him, or how the Aztecs perfected the art of secret handshakes through rigorous training and dedication to the most epic of secret handshake gods, Quetzalcoatl(A snake that can make epic secret handshakes? Hell yeah), and, perhaps most famously, how Zeus defeated his dad Cronus so badly he threw up his other children by using the most epic of secret handshakes.
so sparkly! *w* such great pyrotechnics! ….does this mean there will be a cameo by that fake boyband i made up years ago, “Boys Who Sparkle”? .___.;
(i doodled a picture with it so if you want an example of how far i will go to mock something and exhibit the fanciness my friends exude i’d be happy to oblige. xD)
Omgosh the look warren and sam have in the last panel is priceless XD.
I love these comics and i’m glad i saw your stand at portcon or i woulda never witnessed this.
27 thoughts on “Page 15”
How very anime of you XD
The fire at the end of the handshake is fucking awesome
The fire/smoke was fun to do.
-Bursts out laughing- What would the 1700s be without secret handshakes? :P
It would be nothing!
Now that’s an epic handshake I shall try it out and see what will happen >:3
Use caution! I should have put a disclaimer: “Do not try this at home. They are secret handshake professionals.”
Jesus is gonna set his house on fire.
jordan frosty
not if me and mike light mikes house on fire first
You were right I ALMOST burned my hand off O_o
Thomas Jefferson is not amused. And I love Toby’s expression in the first panel. Fat man is too fat to be group hugged.
That’s John Hancock, actually. Jefferson has much better hair. We’ll see him soon.
Oh. I should have guessed from the pen. Need to learn my American historical figures better.
Aww, Tobty got left out of the hug. :( That is one EPIC handshake, though. But Sam looks kinda like a creeper/pedo in the first panel, hehe.
Toby’s getting a hug! I don’t know how he fit, but he did. This is comics!
Sam’s not creepy! T.T; Well, maybe, kinda.
This is my favorite page, so awesome! *w*
Yay! Thanks! :D
Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray
Man, I can’t even count how many times when me and my friends are just minding our own business, doing a secret handshake and BOOM! Fire.
Such a pain.
See, you need to learn from history. This has been going on since the 18th century!
Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray
B-b-but, that’s the problem! Records of this phenomena have gone on for centuries, but are very obscure and have little reknown! So no one will ever know the exact details of what went wrong when Oda Nobunaga and Akechi Mitsuhide accidentally set fire to Honno-ji by doing an epic Japanese ninja secret handshake, or how the pure epic of Julius Caesar’s handhake with Mark Antony made jealous senators assassinate him, or how the Aztecs perfected the art of secret handshakes through rigorous training and dedication to the most epic of secret handshake gods, Quetzalcoatl(A snake that can make epic secret handshakes? Hell yeah), and, perhaps most famously, how Zeus defeated his dad Cronus so badly he threw up his other children by using the most epic of secret handshakes.
LOL. Sounds pretty accurate to me.
so sparkly! *w* such great pyrotechnics! ….does this mean there will be a cameo by that fake boyband i made up years ago, “Boys Who Sparkle”? .___.;
(i doodled a picture with it so if you want an example of how far i will go to mock something and exhibit the fanciness my friends exude i’d be happy to oblige. xD)
I can only imagine what would happen if those two got extremely drunk together.
And yes. Awesome sauce.
When ever I read this comic I have a strange urge to Play Fallout 3…
And Sam Adams is adorzzable.
Omgosh the look warren and sam have in the last panel is priceless XD.
I love these comics and i’m glad i saw your stand at portcon or i woulda never witnessed this.
So you’re a New Englander, too huh? :P (I live in southern NH now :3 right on the Mass border)