Page 9

Don't forget! I'll be at The Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE) ALL weekend! Lots of other rad local cartoonists will be there, so you should check it out if you're local to the Boston area. It was a ton of fun last year, so I'm excited to see how the new two day length will go. You're only allowed a half table at this show, so I'll only be able to bring a handful of items with me: Volume 1 Book, New Doors at 8 Book, Paul/Benedict Purple Pouches (those are new this year), Band Patches, FREE character buttons, FREE Postcards blah blah. If you're attending and was really hoping to score a t-shirt or something else that I'm not bringing, let me know and I can make an effort to bring certain things for people. Thanks! Hope to see some of you this weekend! MICE was a fantastic show last year! I have no doubts it will be even better this year!

One thought on “Page 9

  1. Awesome as always! :D

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