Page 9

Paul's in trouble now, I think. I say this a lot, but I still want to know how Paul ended up with those two. They have no focus. Well, on important things. I can't wait to draw the next page! :)

26 thoughts on “Page 9

  1. you relly know how to build drama and i like that

    1. Guess I’ll be seeing you on Tuesday! ;)

      1. with out a doubt…unless i get kicked in the face by a cow but there is only a 48% chance of that happening, so i like those odds

        1. I would totally miss you if you were out due to a cow kicking you in the face. I forgot what a dangerous life you lead.

  2. Hey, Warren’s starting to make some sense! xD

    And I wonder who that can be. :P

    1. LOL. Warren’s smarter than he looks. Well, he’d kind of have to be.

      Mystery person is a mystery… until the next update. It’s fun and awkward.

  3. Paul needs better (smarter, soberer) friends.

    1. Yeah, he sure does. Those boys are no role models. I have to put John Adams or someone in here. Give him some guidance.

  4. They’re starting to act like MY friends. >.> T hat shadow…Seems familiar…

    1. Maybe it’s familiar. It’s standard-issue mysterious cloak, FYI.

  5. If she’s telling Paul instead of Warren… hmm…

    1. “She” who? Hrm…

      1. What, you mean to tell us that that’s /Johnny/? : P

        1. LOL. We will seeeeeeeee…

  6. Oh noes! Johnny DOES like Paul that way! And he doesn’t know that no means no! *screams like a little girl*

    1. Oh man, have you read the Johnny Tremain Bonus Comic in Issue 1? :>

  7. I voted to get a link for the wallpaper, but the web address doesn’t seem to be working. :'(

    1. Sorry the link isn’t working.

      I sent you an e-mail with another link that will work for you. Check the e-mail address you used to make this comment. Thanks for voting! :D

      1. Errr, it looks like your e-mail was bounced back to me. E-mail me at tina(at)ensho.net and I will e-mail you the link.

  8. If you mean the page where he shows the twins his hand and tells them about the piercings, yes. If thats not it, then no.

  9. I wonder what she wants with paul. This is gonna bother me until the next update.

    suspense is a murderous thing.

  10. Darn right I said so! XD OMG THANK YOOOOUUUU!!

    As much as I heart Warren, I do love Paul’s innocent puppy dog expressions. |:3

  11. how did blondie become sober all of a sudden?

    1. Through the magic of comics? Poor writing? I dunno, he still doesn’t look right in that last panel.

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