Page 7

April 2, 2018: I didn’t get a chance to finish a page for this week. Did some Easter stuff with the fam and ended up doing a rewrite for the next few pages anyways. It’s better, for sure, so see you back next Monday! <3!
Willie apppears to be the only one, besides Rab, to not trust Edward. Smart. Red is totally NOT Paul’s color. Also, Paul is very clingy. Who saw that coming? Me.

6 thoughts on “Page 7

  1. I miss Gage, too :/

    1. I could do a cut to him and his sad forgotten life back home, but it’s kind of a downer.

  2. We could all use a little Gage….also, what’s that one song from the 70s Romeo and Juliet? Yea we need that song

    1. Which song is it?! I’ve been googling. You’ve made me listen to disco this morning. I hope you’re happy.

      1. A) Disco isn’t that bad, except for The Love of Richard Nixon, that’s bad disco B) What is a Youth, the song the random bard sings in the movie. It’s pretty, but I cracked up a little playing it over this page C) I’m quite happy, actually, with that bit of information.

        1. Hahah! I’ve definitely listened to worse…

          I misread your initial comment about the song being from a movie! That’s how I ended up in disco-territory.

          I’ve seen that movie! And, y’know, a few people have brought up Romeo & Juliet from this page. I find it interesting! So much that I thought I’d sketch it because Willie would definitely be Juliet.

          Go home.

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