Page 6

I'm so sorry.

50 thoughts on “Page 6


    1. There’s no such thing as too many pretty boys! Haha.

  2. Ethan quickly climbed his way up to my favorites. this page pretty much seals it!

    1. Awesome! Glad you’re liking him! I’ve been waiting to put him in the comic since I started this 2 years ago.

  3. I’d apologize for suggesting the name cards to Tina… but nahhhhhhh, this is hilarious :D

    1. CURSE YOU COUCHFORT!!!!….but yes it’s funny lolz

    2. I think they really made the page.

  4. …I am so glad you drew this. This is so awesome.

  5. whoo, jesus beat couchfort to the first post! xD

    …..and the sad part is, they’re actually kind of hot. .___.;;

    1. :D I saw it like 2 hours before it went live

    2. Haha, who’d think there would be hot guys in THIS comic?

      1. I dunno, I always thought William and Warren were pretty hot. At least, those were the guys I’d have gone for.

        1. Yeah, I’m a Willie fan too. :|

        2. the twins are hot, allen’s hot, paul’s hot, benedict’s kinda hot, warren’s hot, and toby’s a little hot.

          oh, and the johnny x paul paring MIGHT be hot….. >.>;

          and couchfort: damn! >.<;

        3. Hahaha. Glad you think so many of the characters have some sort of appeal.

          Johnny x Paul pairing?! What ever do you mean?

        4. i concur on it all?

  6. I think Josh is cuter than Tyler…
    Still rooting for the British though. >>;;

    1. I’m rooting for the British too. Doesn’t look good though. I mean, look at those pretty boys. They mean business!

      Josh didn’t have the pout, so he didn’t get the cute label.

  7. The flashbacks to when Backstreet and N’sync dominated the airwaves have already begun *curls up in the fetal position*

    1. Haha, I know what you mean. I remember seeing N’sync in concert on a family trip to Disney World before anyone really knew who they were. I’m embarrassed to say I saw that. Maybe it counts if I was like 11 or something? Hope it counts. :|

  8. HAHAHA And now when Ethan Allen speak I imagine the voice of James from Pokemon. It just fits; boy bands, Pokemon… same thing.

    Benedict is going to have a heart attack. :D

    1. Aww, James was totally my favorite character in Pokemon. Now I’m reading his words in jamespeak too.

      Benedict is probably already on the floor.

    2. O.O Boybands and Pokemon are NOT the same thing!!!
      Boybands suck.

  9. yay couchfort was 3rd!

    1. Man everyone has it out for couchfort!

    2. I’m first…. in Tina’s heart.

      And cuz I got to see the comic before it officially went up


      1. well that’s sweet i guess.
        and.. damn.

  10. You became my hero all over again with this HILARIOUS twist! xD

    1. Yay! Glad you like it! I was hoping it wouldn’t chase people away.

  11. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

    At least there isn’t one with long hair.

    Tyler is a vampire(lol so ghei pose man, what is he, a chick?), Josh is a wuss(not like Paul, though), Nick has typical bishonen anime rose petals and Austin is so awesome he just needs a grin.

    …Austin is the only one I wouldn’t burn to death, as you can see.

    …Is it odd I already ship Tyler/Josh?

    Also- Ethan Allen= Love. So much love. I don’t care if he’s not pretty, he is officially the third best character here, after Benni and Will. Sorry, Warren.

    1. Haha, yeah, no long hair. Guys with long hair creep me out, well, unless we’re talking about one Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing, but y’know.

      Tyler has some serious hip action going on, huh? Thought the pose helped with his slender frame. He’s so delicate. The ladies will love his vulnerability and want to care for him.

      Shipping Tyler/Josh is fine by me. They’re pretty.

      And Warren is going to cry in a corner. His nose is way bigger than Ethan Allen’s!

      1. guys with long hair = hot >.>;

  12. Time for a Green Mountain Boys pinup….jus’ sayin’. XD

    1. You encourage such bad behavior, Lianne!

      …I like it.

  13. i’ve been reading this whole thing and not posting a comment, but… i just have to at this page. i just cracked up at this.

    imo, nicholas is cuter than tyler. (but benedict is the cutest :D)

    1. But Nicholas is not doing the pout!

      And thanks for reading!

      1. no prob! i love the comic.

        and he may have the pout, but nick’s beating him with his hair.

        (p.s. this page is still making me lol)


    I had to say that, I’m Sorry.

    1. That song has been stuck in my head for weeks.

      No lie.

  15. Backstreet Boys ancestors, hehe.

    Are the British going to have to do some dancing, too? :P

    1. If they want to have any chance of competing, they better get dancin’!

      1. Is that a promise?

  16. Yes Yes and Yes.

    Tyler is my favorite =P

    any chance they’ll be releasing an album?

    1. They’ve released many #1 albums.

      Don’t know if you’ll get to hear any or not. It was like 230 years ago.

  17. Um… Green Mountain boys posters, shirts, something plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the first boy band I ever squealed over!!

  18. First reaction to the latest page was “The Beatles, wtf??” And then I actually went back and read, lol.

    ….is it bad that I thought Beatles and everyone else thought NSYNC? Oh God, I’m ancient….and only 21…. ;_;

    Still, great page~

  19. Austiiiiiin!!!!! W0000000000000000 lol

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