Page 5

Gage says: Work > Wife

24 thoughts on “Page 5

  1. oh snap he’s got one fine wife;D

    1. …OH wait i knew it what a twist!!!

      1. HA!

        …I knew you’d be back.

  2. I guess we should call you “Tina Night Shyamalan” because WHAT A TWIST!

  3. You did a good job on those posts. I really like how they look. You leveled up again with the backgrounds |:3

    Also, having a crowd scene in such a small panel? Ambitious.

    1. I dun referenced me some posts. Ah did. I even shaded them in the first panel… HOT DOG!

      I drew the crowd fatty in panel #3 for you. He loves you. Some howler monkeys told him you were alright.

  4. Now is Mrs. Gage playing her husband… or Warren? I know what really happens, but I’ll keep reading to find out what’s going on here. :)

    1. Hehe, sometimes I’m known for changing stuff…

  5. The guy in panel 3 in the middle made me choke on my food with laughter. <3

    1. He’s just out there enjoying life. Every minute of it.

  6. Thats a good question… but this does explain why she aparently never kisses warren in public

    1. Tricksy vixen, that one. I suppose she can be a good and bad character at the same time. It depends who she’s talking to.

  7. This page is filled with win. I now have the strongest desire to see Washington and Hamilton on the guitar. xD

    1. Oh, Washington is going to be a rocker, for sure. I have some plans for that guy.

      1. Powdered mohawks and silk bandannas maybe? ^.^

        1. :>

          Perhaps. I actually haven’t designed his character yet because he doesn’t show up for a long time yet. However, I know he has to be a bad-ass and have awesome hair. He’s George Washington!

  8. you know, this should answer my questions, but it just raises more.

    also that guy in panel 3 made me lol for some reason.

    1. Haha, I laughed when I drew the sketch for that guy. I basically kept him looking the exact same as the sketched version. He was too stupid looking to fix. He’s so happy. It kind of looks like he doesn’t even know where he is or why he’s there.

  9. I’m greatly enjoying this so far, keep up the wonderful work =D

    1. Awesome! Thanks for reading! :D

  10. oh! i kno this might be random, but could u add john andre to the comic? he was a personal friend to benedict arnold and a british spy too. lol

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