Page 44

Page Delay! New page will be up Friday 12/22 December is a busy month at the day job and my side freelance gig too, apparently. So, between staying at the office until 7 and doing more work when I get home, I haven’t had time to finish up the new page. I never give a good excuse like this, so here’s a sneak peek into my holiday hell. See you guys on Friday!
Finally! A page without Paul! Finally! A page with zits! I like how Willie gets super into his face to really up the chance of catching something. Good job.

3 thoughts on “Page 44

  1. Nice segue into silliness and snot bubbles! ;)

  2. First comes Pop Goes the World Turned Upside Down, then comes Pop Goes the Very Nasty Cheek Zits

  3. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

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