Page 4

It was great seeing some of you last weekend! I'll write up a nice blog post about Anime Boston soon. Next weekend I'll be in the SAME convention center for Boston Comic Con. I haven't received any information about my table placement yet, but I'll be in the Artist Alley with all the cool swag I had at Anime Boston: Vol 1 book, Sam Adams koozies, character change purses and other such goodies. Hope to see some of you there as well. I've never done this show. Not sure what to expect.

4 thoughts on “Page 4

  1. Johnny MIGHT have a point…. I am soooooo looking forward to the next battle/show :D

  2. *hyperventilates*


    meeting you was so nice ;v; you were so nice to me, i can’t even begin to say. and your boyfriend mr. couchfort was super-uber-nice too ;v; in retrospect i probably shouldn’t have introduced myself as “your personal johnny tremain”, but oh well, what’s done is done. -w- hope you like the fanart. next year’s won’t be as creepy, lol. xD though i find it suits johnny well (though i doubt he’d have the guts to take such an ‘active’ approach). if your sister ever starts selling paul revere plushies, i want to be the first to know. (anime plushies are my one major vice besides coca-cola. >w>; )
    speaking of which, the rainicorn i got from her is just ADORABLE, though it’s not mine, i gave it to my sister. :3 (she gave me the money for it, anyway. :\ ) it got a little dirty after being accidentally dragged on the convention hall/hotel floor (no one bothered to tell me that the rainicorn tied to my luggage had come loose….nice people, really >>;; ), but otherwise came out of the convention unscathed and into a home where it will be loved and covered in white cat hair. -w-
    i regret not buying the big compilation book. while issue 1 is awesome and i wouldn’t give it up for anything (especially since you signed it, thankyou <333), i didn’t realize it ended so quick. xD at least i have the full button set. i love it. now i just need to find something to put it on. (maybe my purse, once i fix the strap. damn escalators….)

    also, i met Kori Michelle of Prince of Cats while i was there, too! if i wasn’t with friends i would have stopped to talk, but at least i got to meet her and say hi. ^^ plus, there’s always next year. ^^ unless either you or kori is going to be at AAC. :3

    this was so cool. you said i didn’t creep you out, and hopefully you weren’t just being nice when you said that. ^^ but if i did, i’m sorry, that’s just the way i am. i did the same thing to the LeetStreet Boys at AAC 10′ (i learned my lesson there; never believe the distant former friend when she says she knows the band personally).

    thanks again!!! ^^


  3. Hello Tina,

    I met you at Anime Boston, and I want to say that I have completely fallen in love with your comic! It is hilarious and amazingly clever. Benedict’s my favorite character. He’s such an ass. :)

    While at the con I bought a Union Jack Off t-shirt and decided to wear it to my high school simply to see how quickly it would take for it to be banned. Oddly enough, not a single one of my teachers said anything. I guess references to masturbation are considered acceptable…?

    I just wanted to write to say good job. The punk rock theme with a touch of history is perfect. Stay awesome!


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