I’m really happy that the story is FINALLY at this point. I’ve been wanting to draw it forever. T.T; I’m just thinking about how I started this comic in March and it’s just now we get to the rocking out part.
Creeper, huh? I think that’s a pretty accurate name for Johnny, to be honest. That kid is totally creepy. Lookit how he’s breathing on the window watching Paul get into bed. He’s crossing some lines.
And I’m sure he’s already on top of the pony situation. It would kind of make a cute idea for the next vote incentive, perhaps.
Y'know I see what you mean with the Christmas thing. It probably has something to do with Paul's girlie night shirt and perhaps the striped wallpaper. Reminds me of Christmas too now.
Benedict has a serious Napoleon Complex going, which makes me kind of like him even though he’s a douche. It’s like, when you’re short and competitive and also have a Napoleon Complex, you can’t help liking characters that are the same way. It’s that whole, you end up liking characters that remind your of yourself thing. Oh God. Benedict reminds me of myself. D: This is not good. Better than seeing something of me in Johnny, though. Still totally doing Toby fanart, though, because Toby deserves it and I fully recognize what an ass Benedict is. Still, he looks like he’s about to rock out pretty hard.
I think it’s cool when people connect to characters that remind them of themselves. It’s sad, but I have a lot more in common with Johnny than I’d like to admit.
I’m really looking forward to the Toby fan art, BTW.
I quit out on drums when it became 4am. It was either draw really shitty ones that I didn’t have time to make them the way I wanted them to be or just conveniently not have them in the panels. Drums totally get their own panel or something on the next page. I admit fault in my laziness trickery.
16 thoughts on “Page 4”
Better late than never is so true! I’m glad to see the first musical battle of PR. <3
Thank you!
I’m really happy that the story is FINALLY at this point. I’ve been wanting to draw it forever. T.T; I’m just thinking about how I started this comic in March and it’s just now we get to the rocking out part.
This is becoming more intense by the second. I can’t wait!
As for that incentive… where I come from Johnny would be considered what we call “a creeper”. How much you wanna bet he tries to get Paul a pony?
Creeper, huh? I think that’s a pretty accurate name for Johnny, to be honest. That kid is totally creepy. Lookit how he’s breathing on the window watching Paul get into bed. He’s crossing some lines.
And I’m sure he’s already on top of the pony situation. It would kind of make a cute idea for the next vote incentive, perhaps.
You got my vote! Rules? There are no true rules in roc- War! Aww, the VI. its kind of X-Masy in a way (IDK why but it is).
Yay! Thank you for your vote! <3
Y'know I see what you mean with the Christmas thing. It probably has something to do with Paul's girlie night shirt and perhaps the striped wallpaper. Reminds me of Christmas too now.
LOL It seems Bennie does not want “Jack-Offs” to be announced publicly. LOL xD I think Union Jack-Offs is a cool name. OMIGOSH! THEY GONNAS BATTLE!!!
LOL Paul, Paul, Paul… You are too nice for your own good kid.
Haha, I think he was just sick of that guy talking. He’s kind of a downer, well, except for that blue hair. That’s kind of exciting.
Paul’s pretty trusting of people, I think. He probably feels there is good in Benedict, and maybe, even Willie too.
I believe there’s good in Benedict :] Willie… I don’t know yet. xD
Benedict has a serious Napoleon Complex going, which makes me kind of like him even though he’s a douche. It’s like, when you’re short and competitive and also have a Napoleon Complex, you can’t help liking characters that are the same way. It’s that whole, you end up liking characters that remind your of yourself thing. Oh God. Benedict reminds me of myself. D: This is not good. Better than seeing something of me in Johnny, though. Still totally doing Toby fanart, though, because Toby deserves it and I fully recognize what an ass Benedict is. Still, he looks like he’s about to rock out pretty hard.
I always root for the short angry dudes.
I think it’s cool when people connect to characters that remind them of themselves. It’s sad, but I have a lot more in common with Johnny than I’d like to admit.
I’m really looking forward to the Toby fan art, BTW.
… XD gonna draw drums huh? You mean hide them behind amps and random explosions?
Nice Gibson EDS-1275, btw.
I quit out on drums when it became 4am. It was either draw really shitty ones that I didn’t have time to make them the way I wanted them to be or just conveniently not have them in the panels. Drums totally get their own panel or something on the next page. I admit fault in my
Nobody panic I’m here!!! Great page as always I can’t wait for Paul and his Crew to beat these possers
I was about to file a missing persons report or something. It was getting scary. D:
I think Benedict and crew are going to be hard to beat. Look at that stage presence.
madam You flatter me *blush*
they may have presence but thats only one part of a great show and i bet paul has the rest :3