Page 38

For fun, you could go back and reread everything Benedict has ever said to Willie. Most of the time, it's not very nice!
Next update will be, for reals, on Monday, October 30 When I was rushing to get everything done for the con this last weekend, my laptop decided to die. Good news is that I was able to get all my comics files off (phew!), but that meant I didn’t have a computer to work on the new page for this week. :( Not sure what I’m going to do long-term as my mac is considered “vintage” and they can’t repair it, but for now I’ll just bring home my work laptop and get pages done that way. Not preferable, but I don’t have an extra 2k lying around for a new one.
Next Update will be Monday, October 23rd Sorry about the delay! I'm taking a trip for a wedding and I didn't get the new page done in time! No worries, we'll be back on October 23rd! Also, did you know we're going to have a table at MICE in Cambridge, MA on Oct 21-22?! Probably not, because I haven't said anything about it!

14 thoughts on “Page 38

  1. And then this heavy page is followed by one that looks like the Winnie the Pooh neon nightmare ride…. :P

    1. What a cheap effect!

  2. If the book’s Cilla was like your Cilla I think I would have liked her more back in middle school

    1. Haha, she was annoying to me in Johnny Tremain, so hopefully I’ve been able to amplify that up a bit.

      She is a stronger character (in some ways) than the original though. Just have to get her out there and be her own person for once.

  3. Holy cats I stop reading for three weeks and all of a sudden it’s CURRENT YEAR up in this place. I don’t remember this part of the Longfellow poem!!

    1. That’s because the poem is the abridged version.

      A rough three updates to miss. Sorry!

  4. The revelations of this page made for a good excuse to back read the entire comic while unable to sleep at night XD

    1. And you’re still here, so that’s good!

      On a scale of 1-10, how much of a POS is Benedict?

      1. Gotta be floating around 8! Feels like there’s still a lot more dynamics waiting to be explored between most these characters!
        Though I am unfamiliar with the history this is based on XD (am only british) but this comic is always too cool to not read!

        1. Ouch, an 8! Wow! Deserved though. Dude needs to relax and do a whole lot less joking around.

          I have a problem with too many characters! They’re all connected to the story and each other. It’s all in my head, just have to get it into the comic!

          I am so honored you think this comic is cool. Wow! I’m always afraid British people won’t like this comic because of how I portray the redcoats. I never want to make them the “bad guys”, so I guess I make them cooler than their colonial brothers. The Paul Reveres band members sure have a lot of character flaws and problems.

        2. Aaaa, long fangasm post, if it looks TLDR for you, just pretend that all it said is “GOOD COMIC! LOOKING FORWARD FOR GLORIOUS FUTURE!” XD

          So hey, that floating 8 becomes a 9 on good days XD (8s just my lucky no), I do like Benedict and many of the other characters! There is a lot of diversity, I mean there’s Gage, Benedict, George Washington XD why even rap, and king George.

          You are right, you have a lot of characters and you need time to develop them, which will inevitably raise their scores B)
          I must have started reading just before the boy band were introduced, and following it day by day Edward’s back story was a highlight, each time I reread it I seem to like Gage more and wish him well, I get more curious about Warren and I always LOVE seeing the music battles, its reminiscent of what I expect from a manga, like even a cooking manga will have over the top intensive battles against each other, without a need for full on violence and you do that really well too…
          Your art style is catchy, poppy, colourful and feels perfect for a fun read. Its rare but if friends ever ask me for comic recommendations, yours always gets into my list.

          I’m probably not the best brit ever XD half my friends are european, I oogle over Japanese culture! I still drink tea, also coffee, I like a few US bands, there’s Animal Collective, War on Drugs, Sufjan Stevens and Black Moth Super Rainbow (I know these are pretty refined tastes in music).

        3. <3! <3! <3!

          Man, coming into this comic at The Green Mountain Boys must have been rough! Haha, you’ve got dedication.

          I’m thrilled that you like the battles. It was something I struggled with portraying for a long time. I think I’ve gotten better at it in these later issues. At least they have lyrics now!

          Thanks so much for the kind words. REALLY. Sorry it took me so long to respond. It’s one of the nicest comments anyone has ever left and I was worried my reply wouldn’t be good enough. I’ve been having a rough month with updating and readers like you really make this story worth it. Thank you!

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