Page 38

AUG 1: Sorry. no update this week. Things got busy and I got obsessed with an old project. Hopefully I'm getting all the sketches out of the way so that I don't put another comic on my to-do list. You can check out the art here... it's a bit... different. :O The Paul Reveres will be back next week!
I think this is a bad idea.

8 thoughts on “Page 38

  1. As long as it doesn’t involve a boy band straddling the cannons, I think I will be fine!

    1. I feel like Henry Knox is more of a Meatloaf type.

      1. I went to a Meatloaf show in a very hot summer in Georgia. The man was in a leather coat and sweating profusely. It’s also one of the times I was called “Sir,” so I don’t think it was a good day for anyone really.

        However, I feel like you’ve pegged Henry Knox quite well.

        1. I’ve been called miss several times, so don’t feel bad.

        2. We could start a club!

  2. So I know this may be outta left field but I am so glad to see this comic back to life. I remember reading it back in college and I am so pumped to see that it’s back in stride. Buddy of mine keeps saying that we need rockband4 and I wanted to make a Paul Reveres-esque band. Came back to get concept ideas and saw that you’re updating again. MADE MY DAY! Thanks Tina and look forward to reading the rest!

    1. Thanks for coming back to check things out! Updating was hard for a number of reasons in the last year, but I couldn’t be more at home working with this story again!

      Your rockband4 dudes are going to look rad, I can feel it! ;)

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