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History sure is fun. Everyone has some great problems here.
Let's take some bets on how Paul handles his friend's distress. Choices are: A) Acts like an ass, or B) Is supportive
See you next week.
Snickerdoodle's pose in panel 4 is modeled after my pug, Babette. She likes to sit like people.
This is a spoilery thing I had posted on tumblr a few weeks ago. Sometimes I do that if it's your thing.
6 thoughts on “Page 33”
A) Act like an ASS!
Also, if this was a cartoon, that last panel is where they would cue the soap opera music. Tune in next week for another episode of All My Paul Reveres!
Is it THAT bad? LOL!
A. It’s Paul!
Yeah. He doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Good call.
A, because Paul has a spectacular way of making it all about him!
Yeah, he is really good at that, huh? Someone let him name the band after himself and it’s been all downhill from there.