Page 29

Next update will be the last page of Issue #4! I'm not going to be posting an update on Tuesday, but I'll have it ready for Friday! I'm bringing my sketchbook for my mini-vacay this weekend and doing some more planning for issue #5 so that there is no break between issues. I'm getting really excited about the next issue!

17 thoughts on “Page 29

  1. Damn it’s all type off serious all up in here -o-

    1. Yeah, they do that sometimes…

  2. You know it’s serious business when the bandana comes off!
    Can’t wait for the next page!!!

    1. Hehe, it totally is TIME FOR BUSINESS!

      Glad you’re excited for the next page too. I am as well… mostly because that puts me close to working on Issue #5 and I’m all about that.

  3. I really am starting to love Willie more and more XP

    1. That’s awesome! He’s actually my favorite character for a number of reasons. I’m glad that you are beginning to like him more too!

  4. OH EM GEE! I’m still rooting for an interstitial prequel mini-comic that rehashes a bit of Paul and Allen’s history (moreso than the original couple of panels) with more hints about where he’s going to eventually end up.

    1. That’d be a lot of fun to do, actually. I’m hoping I can get that kind of info in the comic as it goes along. Tidbits here and there.

  5. Lulz. Speedo. Pffffft! Anyhow, Loving the profiles in panel 3. Paul’s showing his bad ass side big time on this page! You go Paul! XD

    1. Well, he can be a little bad ass… sometimes. I think he’s still holding back some. Probably because he misses Allen. Awww. WHYCANTTHEYJUSTBEFRIENDS?!!!

  6. Oh, Willie.

    This is all compensation. He’s actually more concerned with bubblebaths and romantic opera.

    1. Haha, that would be totally fitting.

  7. Oh the boys are fighting again. They both have too much pride to say how they really feel and that they miss each other.

    1. This may, perhaps, be true. ;)

  8. This page makes me sad. :c

    I feel like Allen isn’t going to be happy, and I kinda want him to be.

    Oh, Paul.


      Didn’t mean to make you the sads. You may want to skip Friday’s update. u.u;

      1. I read it already! Dx

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