Page 25

I don't think Paul is authorized to tell anyone if their hair looks good or not.

33 thoughts on “Page 25


    1. Hah, they’re both kind of being rejected. WIllie is mad about it and Paul’s gonna be emo again. :/


  2. Is it wrong that all I could think when I saw this page was “JOOOOOHHHHNNNYYYYY~<3<3<3<3”
    Yay! Toby DID something~<3
    *gives Toby a hug*
    Quick Paul! Stand up!! You’re in a position of vulnerability!! Johnny’s gonna get you~!!!

    1. I was so excited to draw Johnny in the comic again! It’s sad to think that we haven’t seen him for like 29 pages. I missed him! However, I REALLY don’t think Paul missed him as much.

      And we think too much alike sometimes. That’s what went through my head on that last panel too.

  3. Checkerboard hair is way cooler anyway…

    1. That’s what I thought.

  4. Well at least toby did something…and the checkerd pattern does look more bad ass >.> just saying is all..now that Paul knows the truth what will he do? bum bumm buummmmmmm

    1. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

      Its ironic that you say ‘Bum’, XD

    2. Yeah, I know checkerboard hair is super bad-ass. Paul’s opinions do not necessarily reflect my own. ;)

      Oh, and I hope Paul doesn’t just mope now. Hopefully not.

  5. I was wondering where Toby went. Paul! Quick, Johnny’s a comin’! Hide your butt! Hide your butt! ;D

    1. Hahah!

      Paul never gets a break.

  6. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

    Willie, Willie, Willie. Tsk tsk tsk. You know that getting a (emo) leopard to change their (Eyeliner) spots is impossible! He’s too much of a wuss bag, unfortunately.

    …But, then again, seeing as Willie’s side loses in the end anyway, we can only assume Paul made the right choice. So we kinda know how it all ends, sorta.

    1. Haha, Paul may wear eyeliner. It’s for stage presence!

      Paul always reminds me of Prince for some reason.

      1. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

        …FUCK. You killed me with the Prince line. Ah hate you. I will haunt you from beyond the grave now!

        … -_-;

        They don’t have apple strudels in hell OR heaven.

  7. I am thrilled with how this turned out, nice dis from Paul about the hair. It’s going to be interesting when they have the big show down.

    1. Thanks.

      Yeah, it will be interesting to see how the battle parts go now. Will Paul be crushed and unable to play or fueled by rage? We’ll have to see. ;)

  8. “You’re hair SUCKS”

    XD Nice Paul, NICE XD

    I like the “FLEE!” sound effect by the way….NICE one miss Tina

    1. Thanks!

      Paul isn’t known to swear, so I couldn’t go with “Your hair sucks!” But it pretty much meant that.

  9. Thomas Jefferson McDonald (over 20 billion served)

    First off, I must compliment you on your choice of music: Depeche Mode? Nice!

    Now back to business: I’ve been reading for about two weeks, and I must say: good blend of Bands and Battles. However! I must also say that, though I like the call on the hair (I agree with Paul) I completely lost respect for your fashion commentary. Paul is in a perfect position to call someone on hair: His is the most awesome hair I’ve seen in the comic thus far.

    1. Thanks! :3

      And Paul will be thrilled to know you like his hair. He puts a lot of work into that on a daily basis.

  10. “Trust me, it’s better on this side.” IN BED.
    Also, paul is lying. About Willie’s hair, I mean.

    Urgh but… I am a sad. D: But the angry colonists made me laugh. They just look so… disgruntled. Maybe even bamboozled.

    1. LOL. I knew someone was going to say that?

      Why are you sad?

      1. Because Paul is sad! Also because if I were Paul I would totally ditch the revolution and go with Willie.
        Actually, though, I’m kind of happy Paul Revere didn’t do that. Ya know, in real life.

  11. Bwahahaha. Paul making that comment is almost oxymoronic xD

    Btw, loooooooove the whole fact this is a serious situation but Paul makes it light-hearted and funny!

    1. Paul’s pretty sure that he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to hair. ;)

  12. That third panel should’ve been a kiss. A KISS!!!

    You and your platonic relationships….

    1. “Paul my darling, this is our final chance, we must flee together!”
      “Oh, but Allen… I…”
      “Farewell!” *flourish*

    2. Hah! It does seem like it would have been the natural progression from panel 2. BUT IT DIDN’T HAPPEN. Sorry.

  13. Flee, William! But yeah, he did look pretty sweet with the Mohawk.

    1. Yeah, I kinda liked it too. But you can’t really have 4 mohawks in a band. Can you? Maybe that’s what he was thinking.

  14. ADFM! <3
    Aw, I feel like Willie/Allen is concerned for Paul and it’s cute~ x3 I love those panels with them on the same horse. I don’t know if you mean to do this but you’re fueling unrequited love fantasies here…
    I like it. :3

  15. Paul makes me laugh. xD
    *after reading some comments* LOL, your other readers do too- “Hide your butt! Hide your butt!” xD I had no idea, but Paul’s bum really is in a vulnerable position considering a certain Johnny is heading straight toward him full speed.
    …For some reason I feel like that can be taken out of context. (context –> subtext) xD xD xD

    <3 the work of course~ d-(^__-)z

    1. Hah, thanks! Yeah, I give a lot of room for people to think what they want here. Maybe I’m guiding them to destruction or something. I don’t really know. All I know that it’s super fun for me. I may or may not know what I’m doing.

      LOL, my sister typically sees these pages as I’m working on them. She told me to not put Paul’s butt up like that in the last panel. She thought I was already getting too weird these past few pages. However, she was laughing as she said that so it was obvious I had to keep it in.

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