Page 24

A little bit awkward here and there. A LITTLE.

37 thoughts on “Page 24


  2. That’s right Paul stand up for yourself for on-. . . Alright, I can’t do this.
    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahaaahaaaa~ *teary eyed*
    Th-Th-Those first two panels are just throwing the rainbow in my face!
    I promised myself I wouldn’t do this but. . . WillexPaulOTPOTPOTP~<3
    *high pitched girly squeal goes here*
    Now that the fan girl moment is over. . . =3=;;;
    . . .
    or at least take it like a man. . . Pfft~

    1. Yous super silly. I don’t know what you’re getting at really:

  3. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

    Oh… God.

    Maybe its because I just don’t like whiny chars, but god I really wanna bash in Paul’s head. The last art is all, “Epic pouting maneuver!”

    And honestly, when i saw the first panel, all i could think was-

    “PAUL! Listen to me! I am your father! And brother. And mother. And possibly sister, I’m not sure.”

    Also- The second panel is fucking rape victim written all over, or so my friend mentions, and I must agree. I DO NOT APPROVE OF PAUL RAPE.

    1. Man, I draw some creepy shit when you look at it. However, I never apologize for being creepy my art.

      Sorry Paul is whiny and annoys you. Maybe he’s starting to grow a pair here. It’s like he has half a nut or something. The future looks bright to the acquisition of a full set!

      1. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

        I doubt it. Unless someone donates his balls or something. If not, Paul shall be half balled for life. And I don’t mean half balled as ‘he has one of two’. I mean HALF OF A BALL. And even that’s pushing it.

        Sorry, Paulie sweety, but I find you as awkward as Johnny boy, if not more so- Well… Actually, no. It’ll take much to surpass Johnny’s awkwardness.

        And I’m sorry I make your [s]creepiness[/s] art look creep[s]ier[/s]y! But I demand more Benedict! Seriously, I WILL boycott this joint!

        …Never the less- You do realize that everything in the flashback looks all like the Star Wars ‘blue ghost’ thingy, right?

        1. Don’t boycott this joint! D: Benedict will be back… next issue.

          And, yeah, I guess the flashback scene is a little “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi…” Guess it works.

        2. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray


          NOOOO. Unless the next issue starts within the next few pages, I shall boycott like no webcomic has ever seen before! AH SWEARS IT, AH DO!

          Also, what’s Sam Adams look like? Can you show him in the next vote incentive?

          Oh, and… Is Paul’s sister going to be that girl from that book who disguised as a guy to join the army?

        3. This current issue goes until page 28. Benedict returns in the beginning of the next issue.

          I haven’t designed Sam Adams yet. We still won’t see him for a while. He’s probably going to look stupid though. I don’t really like him…

          Haha, and yeah, I considered making Paul’s sister follow that story, but it’s not going to be quite like that.

  4. emo paul not so emo? thats right paul grow a pair!!!!….well see how long the last :3

    1. Haha, I know! Maybe he’s changing for the better from this point on. I think Willie’s doing him a big favor telling him how it is.

      1. a big old piece of hard truth huh? i like it

        1. You wouldn’t like it if you got that big, hard …. truth…shoved in your face like Paul is getting.

        2. well when you put it like that….you are right :3

  5. YES! Paul, stand up for yourself! You tell him! And awesome flashback sequences there.

    1. Thank you! I’m happy with how the flashback part came out.

  6. I must admit I love this page, Willie trying to convert a poor boy into fighting for the British while on his horse in a most compromising sitting position. The second panel is so girlie.
    Love the flash back and how Paul is all poutie at the end trying to look tuff.
    Can’t wait to see how this is going to end, will Willie challenge Paul to a duel?

    1. Hah, he is looking rather pouty. I guess that’s as close to tough as Paul can get.

      I don’t think Willie would want to waste his time with challenging Paul at this point. I mean, would you be scared of Paul anyway?

      1. I’m thinking at this point Paul has as much courage as he’s ever going to get to stand up to Willie.
        Still it would be kool.

  7. If someone were to read the second panel alone, none of the others, I wonder what the first thing they’d think of would be…

    Anyway, that aside, very nice comic. Thumbs up!

    1. Yeah, I know about panel 2.

      <.<; I should use an "editing eye" and catch that kind of thing myself before I post the page. My editing eye currently thinks it's a comedian.

      1. Regardless, it made me laugh. Hard.

  8. Awww. Paul’s wittwe puffy cheeks at the end

    1. c:

      He doesn’t want you to think his angry, serious face is “cute.” Haha.

  9. Awkward…or…AWESOME?! I think it’s the latter. ;)

    I’m glad Paul finally is standing up for himself. Good for him! |:3

  10. You go Paul!!!!! You show Willie who is boss!!! *fist pumps into the air*

    1. Yay! I think he could use the support. Toby’s not doing shit to help.

  11. Paul’s cheeks get real chubby and puffed up when he’s mad! xD I just noticed bwahahaha. Very nice page!

    1. Haha. He’s puffing up to make himself look bigger and more intimidating?

  12. I just realized I never commented on this page. Oh well, all I have to say is:

    D,: waaahhhh.

    Actually, panel 1 and the bit with the guitar— you didn’t take my lobsterback mountain suggestion to heart did you? eh? eh? eh? ;D

  13. Willie/Paul makes me giggle. xD

    Those were some strongly suggestive panels… >.>

    But I don’t mind! <3

    LOVE IT d-(^__^)-b

    1. Hahah, good. :)

      Those panels looked perfectly innocent when I was drawing them. Oh well.

  14. Finally! I can catch up on your comic! OMG is Paul getting agressive?

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