Page 24

Warren needs to lay off Paul's hair. I'm sure Warren wouldn't want his hair messed with. He'd probably go all Uncle Jesse about it.

22 thoughts on “Page 24

  1. Wow jonny did it horray and I like the birds in the second panel very artsy me like. And I promised my self I would never do this but….First!!!

  2. I’m sorry about the first thing it was stupid and I will never do it again this comic is to good for that low brow type of antics. So again I apollogise plus…ummm….well I got nothing so keep up the good work I guess? Anyway bye >_>

    1. This website is one classy place. Don’t be all “FIRST!” around here. Haha! No worries. It’s funny and I always appreciate your comments.

      Thanks for the comments about the panel with the birds too. I like how the birds came out since birds freak me out and I don’t like to draw them.

      1. Much ablidge mam you are truly a great person….I’m from Texas so I tend to be too nice…you think it’s too much?

        1. Nope! There aren’t enough nice people on the internet.

        2. well I’m glad to hear that..most people on the internet are real d-bags It’s good to have a place were one can come and check a great product you made and not have it bombarded with negative comments up the wazoo if you know what i mean

  3. oh my goodness! >_> and the drama begins!!! ack! dont kill the hair! D: btw, i think paul will need to schedule therapy or pyscology sessions in the future o_o

    1. I know! I hope he at least brought an emergency comb or something. I mean, they’re on the verge of war! He should be thinking about these types of important necessities.

      1. Yes! All punks must maintain awesome hair. I swear, they need to make instant mohawk kits with extra hold hairgel and fine tooth combs with huge magnifying mirrors for optimum detail <__>… IM NOT CRAZY!!! xD Maybe a little bit :D

  4. Aaaand… Johnny does something useful and not-creepy! Also, nice expression on Warren’s face in the fifth panel. Questioning, yet also disgusted and weirded-out.

    1. Haha. You wouldn’t believe how much restraint I had to use to not come out with the creepy. I had to put it in the vote incentive instead.

  5. Its getting good. We’re nearing the battle! Will we meet Adams and Hancock? (Just what were they doing sharing a room in the country side? I’ve always wondered that.)

    1. Haha, oh man. The Adams/Hancock thing could have been fun to mention this issue. It won’t be explained so much in the next few pages. I had to keep it short because there are only 4 more pages left in this issue and I gotta get these boys rockin’ before I lose all my readers. X9

      I’ll have to touch on it later. Sam Adams will have some explaining to do anyways.

      1. He’s always had some explaining to do!

  6. Doesn’t he need a scope to tell if it’s 1 or 2 candles from that distance? XD Just saying is all

    1. I realize this! u.u; I think he’ll see that it’s two and I assume Johnny stopped being a retard in panel 3 and moved the lanterns further apart.

      1. XD But that tower looks reeeeeeeeally far away, like it wouldn’t make a difference if he spaced them apart, cuz Paul would STILLLL need a scope.

        … :P You’re very fun to tease, btw.

        1. Hah! That’s great! I’m glad I’m amusing to you. T.T;

        2. :D <333333

  7. Heh, Full House.
    Anyways, great page. I love how Johnny looks nervous being in a church in the first panel. What is he, a puritan? Yeah, good job there Johnny.

    1. LOL, I dunno. I think Johnny’s just a weirdo.

      1. Holy things make Johnny’s evil butt burn…At least in Paul’s opinion.

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