Page 22

It's gotta be Willie's time of the month or something. Wait.

24 thoughts on “Page 22

  1. panel 2!!!! :>

  2. i like willie he is a real bad ass in this one great job on the page really like it plus the intensity in willie’s face in the last two panels is great

    1. The last panel scares me now. I think Johnny’s gonna wet himself.

  3. I love how afraid benedict looked in the first panel. and johnny in the last panel. Fear is fun.

    1. Thanks!

      That William’s a scary guy. I’d be making the same faces.

  4. Benedict is like an obnoxious little kid, I like how Willie treats him that is so funny. :p

    1. He sure is.

      I think Willie’s secretly likes him, that’s why he takes the effort to set him straight.

  5. Well whether Willie has a gross face or not, he has awesome hair, so it doesn’t matter much. :D Also: poor Johnny. I don’t think he withstands intimidation very well. Just look at him, crying, like a baby. Oh, Johnny Tremaine.

    1. Oh, I forgot to say… I love how Johnny even hits on Paul in church. It’s a CHURCH, Johnny – save it for later, jeez. XD

      1. I think Johnny realizes the benefits of attacking his victim when he is totally unaware. I still don’t think it’s going to work.

        Hehe, glad you like Willie’s hair. He’s the only one in his band that doesn’t have a mohawk, so he had to step it up with that crazy pattern.

  6. By the looks of panel six, Johnny was doing a great job of hiding. Yes, stand three feet away from the wall to get into the enemies line of sight instead of up against it. Perfect.

    1. No one said he was smart. I would think he’d be better at stalking people…

  7. Wow, the last panel William has like DEATH staring into Johnny’s soul.

    1. He’s a scary dude. It was a fun panel to draw, but now it scares me too. u.u;

  8. woot woot. willie fights back! :] I was starting to miss these guys then u read my mind xD

    1. They’re going to be in the story a lot more now ’cause we’re almost to the battle scenes! :3

      1. OH MY GOSH! YAY! i can’t wait!!! how is it going to be situated? them playing famous songs of some fo there own?! and wich voice can u compare to benedict? like any famous singer now? (LOL SO MANY QUESTIONS.)

        1. They sing their own songs. I was originally planning on them just doing covers, but I figured that would get kind of boring after a while.

          I’ve been thinking a lot of what the bands would sound like. I am still looking for the right band The Paul Reveres would sound like. However, I know The Union Jack-Offs would sound like the band, Gallows.

          You can hear some songs here: Death Voices and Crucifucks

        2. Would Benedict sound like their singer though? It’s quite unexpected… lol. I’d still love’im though! xD

          Benedict’s face in Panel 2 makes me ell-oh-ell~ And I love the expressions on the twins in Panel 4. :D

        3. Yeah, the singer was the same voice I always pictured for Benedict. If this were a cartoon or something, I would want his talking voice to be not deep and gruff, so the singing voice would be unexpected.

          Henry is giving William “the business” on panel 4. I figure he’s saying something pretty offensive, I didn’t think word balloons were needed.

        4. Oh my goodness! I can completely imagine the Gallows voices as the Union Jack-Offs! And thank you >_> I’m starting to listen to the Gallows alot now! xD

          I imagined Bennie’s voice as something a bit more young and tender because of his leetle stature xD But this is awesome!!

          btw, loving the twins more and more ;D

        5. Cool! I’m glad you like them. I hadn’t listened to their music until I heard them on the radio a month or so ago. I heard it and thought it was what The Union Jack-Offs should sound like. I really like Gallows now and that initial reaction I had to “Death Voices” actually that reminded me so much of Benedict and friends. I liked the accent too. ;)

          When I had originally came up with the concept for this story it was going to be a Ramones vs Sex Pistols kind of thing, That’s when I was going to use existing song lyrics too. Funny how things change. Still would have been cool.

        6. Sex Pistols pwn LOL xD anarchy in the UK :3 im designing my undead punk costume based around that. its gonna be a play on the whole “PUNK IS NOT DEAD” thing xD as for the geetar, my guitar hero should work xD

  9. The Paul Reveres probably sound like Screeching Weasel or something.

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