Page 21

Before I started doing this comic I thought they were called lobsterbacks because of the red coats. I live in a happy world with puppies and kittens.

9 thoughts on “Page 21

  1. “I live in a happy world with puppies and kittens” The frigging cutest <33333

  2. It’s a great page as always keep up the great work

  3. Actually, as far as we can tell, they were never called “Lobsterback” until the War of 1812: http://boston1775.blogspot.com/2007/11/british-soldiers-werent-called.html


    1. RUINER!


      Aw, man, I didn’t want to learn anything today!

  4. Oh gosh, whipped? :P

  5. Poor chap. But that one soldier in the background of the last panel looks like he’s enjoying Benedict’s suffering.

    1. LOL, yeah, that guy’s got crazy eyes.

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