wa wa waaaaaa LOL i really like the design of the horse and the guitar. Also are they only electric or have some acoustic stuff as well? just curios well any way Great work as always ^_^
Ha, I tried hard to make the horse look somewhat decent. I wanted him to be special, not “special” like Benedict’s horse.
From Paul’s expression here, I’d say that he prefers the electric guitar over the acoustic one. I don’t think that Harold guy understands the difference?
I don’t know if Paul is going to have another alternative to the acoustic guitar tonight. I was laughing at your “skipping through the flowers” comment thinking this isn’t that type of comic… except it already happened on page 8 of this issue.
LOL. I take it you want John Paul Jones to be in the comic? I have to admit that my knowledge of the navy during this time is pretty limited. I should do more research. Looks like there is a John Paul Jones museum here in NH. I should go. :)
I love the new character! And I think this page is so adorable! :] harold doesnt deserve that horse… LOL anywho, very cool character! FINALLY PLAID! i was beginning to wonder were all that punk plaid had gone xD LOL teeheee. do u kno his name so far?
Glad you like the new character! His design isn’t final yet and I don’t have a name either. He’s from Scotland, so I need to do some more reading on those soldiers. I also need to pick a uniform for him. The plaid one he’s wearing in the sketch is from the 1750’s or something. Doesn’t really work, but there will be plaid!
OMG if he’s from scotland, name him something completely obvious and expected: SCOTTIE. LOL XD awesome! ;D waiting for the plaid!!! WOOT WOOT are you gonna put hessians in it? :] german mercenaries? xD
Haha, I dunno. Scotty is too Star Trek for my taste.
The Hessians are definitely going to be in the comic. I have a thing for German rock music, so I has plans. Thinking of them being a Neue Deutsche Härte band. Only The Paul Reveres and The Union Jack-Offs are going to be punk. Should be fun.
22 thoughts on “Page 18”
wa wa waaaaaa LOL i really like the design of the horse and the guitar. Also are they only electric or have some acoustic stuff as well? just curios well any way Great work as always ^_^
Ha, I tried hard to make the horse look somewhat decent. I wanted him to be special, not “special” like Benedict’s horse.
From Paul’s expression here, I’d say that he prefers the electric guitar over the acoustic one. I don’t think that Harold guy understands the difference?
well it came out great better than me for sure and the acoustic has its charm but i can see it would not fit with there style -_-
Hmm…Plaid…Instrument…Bagpipes? Yeah, the acoustic wouldn’t work – its war, not skipping around flowers to the tune of some John Lennon song! xD
Yes, the bagpipes!
I don’t know if Paul is going to have another alternative to the acoustic guitar tonight. I was laughing at your “skipping through the flowers” comment thinking this isn’t that type of comic… except it already happened on page 8 of this issue.
Yay. I owed you a laugh from the third page of issue one. ^.^ I’ m really excited to see some ‘combat’.
I was sketching those pages this afternoon. :) As soon as everyone gets to Lexington, it’s on! Not much longer!
I feel so bad for Paul constantly! XD
He’s now one of my favorites lol.
Hehe, glad you like him. I don’t know why I have so much fun torturing the poor kid.
i love his expression on the last frame :D
Thanks! I had written dialogue for him there, but I didn’t think it was needed because the face was already ridiculous.
Bagpipes? Plaid? But John Paul Jones was a privateer!
LOL. I take it you want John Paul Jones to be in the comic? I have to admit that my knowledge of the navy during this time is pretty limited. I should do more research. Looks like there is a John Paul Jones museum here in NH. I should go. :)
That horse is too cool for Harold. |:
I know, right? It’s the only horse in this comic that doesn’t look like it was inbred and this guy gets it… and he doesn’t share!
I love the new character! And I think this page is so adorable! :] harold doesnt deserve that horse… LOL anywho, very cool character! FINALLY PLAID! i was beginning to wonder were all that punk plaid had gone xD LOL teeheee. do u kno his name so far?
Glad you like the new character! His design isn’t final yet and I don’t have a name either. He’s from Scotland, so I need to do some more reading on those soldiers. I also need to pick a uniform for him. The plaid one he’s wearing in the sketch is from the 1750’s or something. Doesn’t really work, but there will be plaid!
OMG if he’s from scotland, name him something completely obvious and expected: SCOTTIE. LOL XD awesome! ;D waiting for the plaid!!! WOOT WOOT are you gonna put hessians in it? :] german mercenaries? xD
Haha, I dunno. Scotty is too Star Trek for my taste.
The Hessians are definitely going to be in the comic. I have a thing for German rock music, so I has plans. Thinking of them being a Neue Deutsche Härte band. Only The Paul Reveres and The Union Jack-Offs are going to be punk. Should be fun.
OH YEAH! GO HESSIANS! >8D WOOT WOOT im reallly gonna look forward to him :] and the awesome hessians!
Horse > guitar. Poor Paul. He never gets a good deal.
I loved your vote incentive (again). He looks like he would come right out of NANA…and you can never go wrong with bagpipes.
NANA, really? I think it’s those white shoes?
I haven’t read NANA in a while. It kept making me cry. T.T;