Page 17

Working on the next one already and will have it up early on Thursday next week because I'll be at SPX in Bethesda, MD next weekend! This is my first time ever going to SPX and I'm looking forward to it! I'll be occupying a half table with some delightful person that will probably loathe me by the time the weekend is over. This fun trip will all be at table W6B. You can see a handy map, here. If you're going to the show, let me know. I'll be easier to find than usual because I'll finally have a large banner. I posted a preview of it on tumblr, here.
Yeah, they're pretty creepy. You'll learn all about it, don't worry. Johnny always knows how to lighten the mood, huh?

4 thoughts on “Page 17

  1. Who’s creepy? The twins or Johnny? With his hearts and angel wings XD

    Pretty sure there’s nothing left to learn about how creepy Johnny is.

    1. There’s always more.

  2. like i said before im lovin the twins more and ts awesome thank you

    1. Yay! I’ve been itching to hint at and tell their backstory for a long time.

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