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I hope everyone who celebrates Labor Day had a nice relaxing weekend! I spent my Monday off walking part of the Freedom Trail in Boston, Massachusetts. I went to Paul Revere's house and touched everything and bought a lot of books... and maybe some toys. I'm not that adult.
24 thoughts on “Page 17”
LOL this is one of the funniest things if not the most great writing i bow to you mam…he he im fat too so it makes it more funny to me thank you ^_^
I didn’t want to make a fat joke with this, but rather show he’s sensitive. Kind of girly-sensitive… Poor Toby! It’s like 10 PM and past his bed time. He’s out of sorts.
OMG TOBY. XD I LOVE HIM! I love how weird and funny this comic is, too, you do such a good job with it all.
Thank you! n.n; I have a lot of fun with this comic. Some would say too much fun.
lol, poor toby!!
Hehe. He needs to understand the correlation of his pot pie intake to the increasing tightness of his pants. Well, that or just get some bigger pants.
Dark Yukari
I just found and read your comic, and it’s amazing~<3
I love the colors you use, and your style of art!
On another not: Don’t these people know that overly tight pants lead to digestive problems!
Thank you! It’s always awesome to see new readers here! Glad you’re enjoying the comic so far!
Haha, yeah, the tight pants can cause lots of problems… like certain reproductive problems as well. Maybe they haven’t read any ye olde literature to that effect yet.
Colonials in tight pants…YES! I have a feeling someones will need AA and counciling by the end of the upcoming battle.
Yeah, Warren’s in need of some group support. You’re right, Toby could probably use some individual attention. Man, the colonists have some problems. Paul sure has his hands full.
OH YEAH. TIGHT PANTS lets hear it for pants
Ok, time for REAL COMMENT, I really like how Paul is such a mature little guy (LOL HE’S OLDER THAN ME WAT? XD) and how he cares about performing well and such. -sigh- I so connect with him o_O lol! i love ur humor and YAY! PAUL REVERES HOUSE!!! OMG!!! I went to Boston once and didn’t even get to go there… OTL… instead, my parents dragged me around to Harvard and Yale…
HA! He is supposed to be 16 or something. Still seems young to me. He’s a pretty accomplished guy singin’ and playing lead guitar in a band. He’s not much of the stereotype of a rocker though, so it’s going to be interesting when the battles come. He never swears! That’s hard for me to write.
The Paul Revere house was pretty cool. It was very small, but it was really neat just to see everything from the original wallpaper strip to the furniture Paul Revere actually owned. I think my mother may have dragged me there when I was a kid, but I don’t think I appreciated it. Y’know what was missing though? There was no electric guitar in the house. I was shocked! SHOCKED.
OMG NO ELECTRIC GUITAR! D8 ITS A GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY TO ERASE ALL THIGNS COOL FORM HISTORYY!!! <__> thank god u kno the truth… MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! anywaaay, i luv the vote incentive 8D GO WILLLIE!!!
Aw, I want to hug Toby. <3
The dialogue for this page was too funny. You really can’t go wrong with tight pants. XD
P.S. I enjoyed the vote incentive sketch even tho you don’t seem to like it. Then again, anything with Warren is an instant win.
Aw, he does need a lady for hugging. D:
Thanks for the comment on the vote incentive. When I was drawing it originally it was going to be bad-ass BASS VS BASS dudes and then it kind of looked like Willie was gonna kiss Warren or something. Normally I’d be fine with such a thing, but Willie x Warren is a no go, for me. It just seemed awkward.
Even tho I’m always up for a pairing, I think they’re a bit too different to be a good couple. Maybe Benedict x Willie…Now that I’ve grossed you out talking about this, I’ll go and read your latest page. XD
I’m not grossed out. You have no idea…
I thought you knew me better than that. LOL. <3
I know I wear tight pants for the ladies! Also cuz my ass looks GREAT in tight pants.
“Haha, yeah, the tight pants can cause lots of problems… like certain reproductive problems as well. Maybe they haven’t read any ye olde literature to that effect yet. XD”
Actually despite popular (and very stupid) belief, they ain’t that sensative. The only problem I find with tight pants is if they’re too tight, you don’t get much air flow, and then they get gross and sweaty and everything is clumped together. Though I think that’s much better than getting camel toe. If I ever feel my pants on the inside of me… those pants are getting burned. And I’ll need counseling about how I was sexually abused by pants.
LOL. My goodness. You have put a lot of thought into this.
My thinking was tighty whities vs boxers and sperm count, I suppose. I think I heard that on tv. If something on tv isn’t right, I don’t want to be right.
XD I just like correcting the misinformed cuz I’m tired of how ridiculous people can be when it comes to that stuff.
And I think you might be referring to the movie “Secretary”, which I can forgive cuz Maggie Gyllenhaal is hawt. Also that movie was hilarious.
Also I’d like to say I wish this was the version of history they taught when I was in high school, cuz your comic is hilariously awesome.
Haha, I don’t know where I heard it. It might have been on a TV sitcom. That’s probably not winning me any style points.
I’m glad you’re liking the comic! It’s cool to have such an advocate for tight pants reading this! :)
I LOVE THIS PAGE!!! Fn hilarious! Five thumbs up! LOL
and just like that…I’m hooked.