As they approach the outskirts of the city, Benedict angrily replies, “Heh, fair enough. I’m sure Gage will oblige.”

While twins march ahead and Henry turns back to snarl, “He better.”

In the nearby Green Dragon Tavern, Paul’s two bandmates are waiting. Warren, a thin young man with sandy blond spiky hair, face piercings, and a tattered green jacket with spikes on his shoulders is passed out on the table surrounded by the empty steins he’s finished and a perfectly untouched pot pie. Toby, an overweight young man with a blue mohawk, face piercings, and a blue soldier’s uniform with a white waistcoat, tries to continue a conversation with Warren.

“Look Warren, the rain is starting to let up a little. I was hoping it would end before our show tonight,” he spoke to the back of his friend’s head.

He pauses to look at his incapacitated friend.

“Warren? Hey, you gonna eat your pie?”

Taking the silence as a response, Toby steals the pie over to his own pile of 3 finished pie tins and his own stein.

Page 15

So we finally get to meet the other two members of The Paul Reveres. I don't know what kind of company Paul likes to keep, but these guys seem weird. I don't even think Warren is alive. [transcript display=styled]

11 thoughts on “Page 15

  1. I think im gona like thouse two

  2. OMGOMGOMG WARREN!!!! Haha, he already looks emo.

    What a tease. I can’t see his beautiful face. ♥

    1. It won’t be pretty.

  3. Is this Warren based off of John Warren? Either way, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen once Benedict and everyone go into the tavern. xD
    I love the first three panels. That’s a cool effect, spliting one panel into three. ^^

    1. He’s loosely based on Joseph Warren: I really want to emphasize the “loosely” part because the guy would be rolling around in his grave if he knew he was being portrayed like this in a silly comic. I try to make the characters have some connection to real history, but I take a lot of creative freedom in the process.

      Thanks for the comment on the panel layout too. I was trying to make the tavern be the focus of panel #3, but not make it overly boring.

  4. thats mah pot pie!!

  5. Warren…I think I might have to fangirl a little bit. ♥

  6. lol- love the fat guy (you don’t see many of them in comics~)

  7. I’m re-reading this right now, and I just noticed the words “We have pie” at the bottem of the sign.

    1. Haha, someone noticed! The Green Dragon has an awesome marketing guy who came up with that slogan. He’s a rich man.

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