Page 13

I did some podcast interviews when I was at MoCCA this year. One is up now if you'd like to take a listen to me sounding like a scared 12 year old. I'll post the other one when I see that it's gone up. Strangers With Comics: Epsiode 123 Mocca Recap

13 thoughts on “Page 13

  1. XD But you always sound like a scared 12 year old. Its what makes you so CUTE! <3

    1. Thanks.

      I GUESS. T.T;

  2. Yay I will definatly going to check out the podcast and benadict is so cute when he is trying to be manly and this coming from a straight manly man such as I *tee hee* :3

    1. Cool! Thanks!

      This was the second podcast of the day at MoCCA, so I think I did a better job at sounding like an adult in that recording.

      And manly men always go “tee hee”

      1. you were great maybe can i get the link to the first one ^_^ but great none the less *tee hee*

  3. My dirty mind finished Willie’s sentence in panel 3 for him.

    1. Yeah, I’m way ahead of you on that one… :|

      In the sketch, that panel was Benedict pulling off Willie’s bandanna and their faces were closer. I had to edit what my subconscious was trying to do.

      1. Hahaha please yes! If you posted that sketch as a vote incentive I would vote on at least five different computers. :D

  4. Tina’s segment is around 1 hour and 4 minutes into this mind-drooling podcast

  5. Aw!~ Willie and Benedict sound like a couple in Panel 2, lol. xD I likes it~ “Sir”- teehee.
    And the twins! YES!~ xD xD xD


  6. I meant Panel 3….

    Still much <3



    I’m so thankful testing is over! xD I love Willie and Bennie time! Their like brothers, almost.

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