Page 12

Paul is bad at a lot of things.

19 thoughts on “Page 12

  1. he is just so not good at things but you atleast got to give him credit for trying right?

    1. Yeah, he’s trying alright.

      Someday maybe he’ll surprise us all.

  2. this thing that you’re doing is a good thing, tina. Both this and Scott Pilgrim satisfy some sort of hard-to–quantify-but-musically-related yearning I have, and if one hasn’t updated for a while, there’s always the other… you are so good to us.

    1. Wow! Thank you!

      Glad you’re enjoying the comic. :)

  3. I love ninja!Paul’s faces in panels four and five. All he needs is some 007 music.
    1776, ninja’s, and spy movies. What a great mix. xP

    1. Haha, worst ninja ever! Glad you liked those panels. That scene was really fun to draw.

  4. panel 4 made me laugh!! poor paul~

    1. I laughed when I drew it!

  5. Willie D: nooo, Let Paul keep the sentimental guitar or else he’ll go emo again!

    1. I know, why does he have to be so mean?!

      1. It’s naturally been born into him?

        1. Perhaps. ;) I think he could have a softer side too though. Guess we’ll have to wait for that.

  6. Can’t wait to see how this all plays out…..BRING IT ON PAUL!!!!

    1. You have a lot of faith in Paul! I hope he doesn’t wimp out. He seems really good at that.

  7. Willow Thisp of the Foxfire Gray

    How long has it been since I visited?

    …Still. I really don’t like Paul. Must be the hair.

    1. I think it’s been too long!

      And you’re gonna make Paul cry making fun of his hair. He puts a lot of work into that… daily.

  8. im listening to BYOB!!! 8o i fel special

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